Kidney Stones

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I had AVR for Aortic Stenosis in April 2002. Now I apparently have developed a Kidney Stone. The sonic blast to break it up appears to have been unsuccessful. (I see the urologist on Wednesday; my PCP clued me in.)
After searching the web to find out about Kidney Stones I note that Calcium may be a factor. Recalling the comments about calcification of my bi-cuspid valve, I wonder if there may be a connection.
Any feedback would be appreciated. People my age, 70, do not usually develope Kidney Stones -- so it says on the internet. (Google search engine)
Thank you,
AVR; MI; 4/02; CCF; Cosgrove; Bovine Tissue
Hello Don,

My understanding is that the mechanisms are different.

Having had kidney stone in the past I can attest to their 'unpleasantness'! I had to have mine taken out the 'other way'...NOT FUN !

If you have a lot of minerals in your water, that can increase the probability of forming kidney stones. I use a Brita Filter / pitcher for all my drinking water since my county does have a lot of minerals in the underground water.

Another tip: Drink LOTS of water.

Being well hydrated prevents kidney stones from forming.
The recommended amount is 64 ounces per day which comes to 8 glasses of 8 ounces each. (That's a LOT of water!)

Coke will do the trick!

Coke will do the trick!

Hi Don,

My husband has had trouble with kidney stones, and the CRA (Contact Reflex Practitioner) practitioner we saw told us a secret. The secret is to drink a 2 liter bottle of coke/diet with caffeine. Every 20 minutes another big glas until you finish the bottle. It does the trick every time my husband feels a bit of pain in the low back, and coke is cheap.
In regard to the COKE recommendation, I would suggest passing that by your Doctor FIRST.

Caffeine may cause arrhythmias

and the Acid may aggrivate Reflux or Ulcer conditions.

Better to be safe than sorry.

Thank you for your responses

Thank you for your responses

Hey AL and Christina,
I appreciate your prompt and enlightning responses.
Al, you gave it to me straight. I'm drinking lots of water. Thank you. Christina, your input sounds a tad off the wall, but I might just give it a go keeping Al's caffenine and acid cautions in mind. Thank you.
I had the lithotripsy shock treatment in the hospital. Expensive. It worked just a bit, it is now only a tad smaller, but still 3 - 5 mm, and just lurking there ready to cause more trouble. Only enough business here, I guess, that they only have that particular machine on Fridays at the local hospitals in my city. So what do you do if you need it on another day ???
More fun to come. This is not a Kidney Stone web site, so I'll sign off now.
Thanks again.
AVR; MI; 4/02; CCF; Cosgrove
hi don!
i'm sorry to hear you have kidney stones. they can be so painful!
my father-in law (85) just got out of the hospital for removal of his kidney stones.
this is a man who NEVER complains and is actually telling us that he is uncomfortable!
i know that there are several things that can contribute to kidney stone formation but i'm not sure what they are. you might want to ask your urologist.
anyway, i hope you resolve this quickly and painlessly.
all the best, sylvia
Stone Belt

Stone Belt

I live in what is referred to as the " stone belt" of the U.S. I have brothers who do construction and roofing work. They have had multiple stones. The urologists here told them that there are three things that can predispose you to kidney stones: dehydration or even just inadequate intake of liquid when working in the heat, large doses of calcium including drinking large amounts of milk, and drinking large amounts of dark colored liqiuds. Apparently, these dark liquids have sediment in them that can collect in the filters in the kidneys. My brothers doctor said that he sees at least 100 kidney stones a year with most of them being seen during the summer months. He also recommended that the first stone be sent to the lab for mineral evaluation to see what actually caused the stone.

My brothers were heart broken when they had to stop drinking a gallon of milk a day.

Still Kidney Stones

Still Kidney Stones

Hi Slyvia & Joey,
Hi Letticia,
I didn't think that a Kidney Stone would generate this much interest. Thank you for your responses.
If you log on to Kidney Stones on Google search engine you will find approx 250,000 sites on the subject. Wish I studied it before I went to the hospital. Maybe I would have done things differently.
Anyway, hospital billed $15K for 2 days not counting the $5K laser/sonic procedure to break up the kidney stone, also not counting 3 MD's and everything else. Thank goodness for Medicare. The sorry thing is that the kidney stone is still there, but I haven't had any trouble with it, yet. Today I'm flying to Cleveland Clinic for my first annual AVR check (out of El Paso) and am going to fear that darn kidney stone all of the way. Taken pain pills with me.
Slyvia, good for your father-in-law. How long did he stay in the hospital and what were the results?
Best wishes to all,