kidney function

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
my husband who had bavr on 12/13/07 had his blood preasure slowly increase the last couple of weeks. the dr gave him blood preasure meds and did a blood test that came back saying his kidney levels are elavated. They said this could simply be from dehydration or kidney failure. Needless to say we are very concerned. Has anybody else had this problem or know anthing about this. He is taking amiodarone,celexa, coumadin, vantin,zocor,norvasc, and an ace inhibitor. PLEASE HELP WE ARE VERY CONCERNED THAT HE COULD BE HAVING KIDNEY FAILURE FROM THE SURGERY OR MED.
That's a lot of meds. Are they generics? Are any of them made in China? Talk to your pharmacist about the combination of drugs, as well as the possible origins of the generics among them.

Amiodarone is supposed to only be used as a last-ditch treatment for dangerous arrhythmias. Hopefully that's the circumstance under which it was given to your husband. It has a dandy list of side effects, including some very dangerous pulmonary (lung) damage issues and liver toxicity possibilities, and it takes months to get out of your system. In all fairness, kidney damage isn't mentioned.

Try lowering the amount of muscle-meat protein he gets in his diet, if he's a big meat-eater. Go for more carbs, and maybe some cheeses for protein.

Best wishes,
renal function studies

renal function studies

Has your husband been seen by a nephrologist since the elevated renal function studies?

If not you may want to insist that nephrology is involved.

Don't worry if you have to be very positive about it.

My husband suffered renal failure post-op. They tried to ship him off to a nursing home with a bogus diagnosis of "altered mental status" before advising of the renal issues.

I did a mental status assesment of my own. His lack or response was "cured" by a hearing aid battery. Too bad they did not get working on the kidneys.

Good luck

Elevated BUN is more indicative of dehydration than failure. Elevated CREATININE level accompanies failure.

But get a nephologist and a second opinion friom another nephrologist if necessary.

I am just a forum poster. Please be sure your husband sees a nephrologist ASAP.

good luck
creatinine level

creatinine level

Ross said:
How elevated is elevated? Numbers?

Sorry, can't practice medicine w/o license but anything above the normal values indicated on the lab slip for creatinine is a huge red flag for a heart patient

I just pulled out one of my older blood test results. Note: Canadian readings may be different.
Creatinine----normal levels are between 35-97 umol/L
You are entitled to ask exactly what the level is....and what they plan to do about it.
I've been doing some research into connective tissue diseases and ask the doctor to consider the existence of any one of the problems listed on this page. At least if there's a name for what he's suffering they can find a treatment that could result favourably.

I hope your husband is well on the road to recovery very soon. My good wishes and positive thoughts are in the air for you both.

Take heart,
Susan said:
Sorry, can't practice medicine w/o license but anything above the normal values indicated on the lab slip for creatinine is a huge red flag for a heart patient

The numbers would be useful to indicate how close to kidney shutdown one may be. I'm getting close with my own, so the numbers are a concern to me.
My mom had had kidney issues too. Her kidneys took a big hit before surgery because she waited too long to have her valve replaced. Anyway-she sees a kidney specialist and her kidneys are stable. She has regular blood work done and of course is low sodium. I wonder if this is common with people in the same boat as mom? Please keep us posted! Deb
Debster said:
My mom had had kidney issues too. Her kidneys took a big hit before surgery because she waited too long to have her valve replaced. Anyway-she sees a kidney specialist and her kidneys are stable. She has regular blood work done and of course is low sodium. I wonder if this is common with people in the same boat as mom? Please keep us posted! Deb
I'm sure it's more common then one would think. Mine took a serious blow during my dissection. A lot of my body organs had begun shutting down, kidneys being one of the first to go. The second surgery for AVR didn't do them any justice either.

My latest BUN is 35mg/dl Normal range is 8-26
Creatinine 1.29mg/dl Normal .60 to 1.30
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 27.4 Normal 10.0 to 22.0
BUN and creatinine are functions of the fluid volume (dehydration) and kidney function. Ace-inhibitors can impact the kidney function as they influlence the renal angiotensin system of the kidney and hence, lower the systemic blood pressure. A mild increase in the creatinine is not an unusual. This does not indicate renal failure but that the ace inhibitors are working. A moderate to high level of creatinine would suggest that you may need to come off the ace-inhibitors or at least examine the need to be on the medication.

I'm not sure if amioderone can cause renal disease. I dont believe that norvasc or coumadin can cause this but I would venture to say that any medicine can cause anything.

I would think that the effects of surgery in December on the kidneys would not be seen at this late date, assuming that this development was noted recently. In other words, the impact of the surgery at this late date would, I think, be unusual. However, if there was a gradual increase in the documented creatinine values from the time of the surgery to now, then it would be something to consider (hypotension or unusually low blood pressure during the surgery with subsequent decrease in blood perfusion of the kidneys) but an acute rise just now noted would make me wonder about other possibilities.

I would think that you would need to look at what your baseline creatinine was prior to surgery and compare to the subsequent creatinine values and trends and see what the pattern is to get a better handle on what is causing this. You are not on diuretics so dehydration is less likely but certianly plausible if you simply not drinking enough water.

Depending the lab, the normal or reference values of creatinine are generally around 0.5 to 1.5. I agree with Ross, that it would be helpful to find out what your creatinine is. Then let us in on when the meds you outline were instituted and see if that is when your creatinine began to rise.

An ultrasound can provide a good deal of information about the acuteness or chronic nature of kidney problems if neccessary.

Lastly, let us know how things are going. Its the pits to have worries after major surgery like this. But, lets just hope its dehydration, and nothing more than what a couple glasses of water can cure.
blood preasure

blood preasure

Myhusband has been taking norvasc for a month for high blood preasure 160/95,after a couple weeks it dropped to about 135/85. Last week they started him on a ace inhibitor, this evening after dinner it dropped for those readings to 105/60, is this a alarming situation or does his meds need to be adjusted? Does'nt see the dr until monday.
It probably isnt prudent for anyone on VR, particularly myself, to give medical advise to you as there are so many variables. There is just too many things to consider. However, generally speaking, hypertension is characterized as having a diastolic (bottom number ) below 90 so getting below that number helps reduce the percentages for stroke, heart attack, ect.

So, I would say the BP meds were indicated. However, there is a point where the BP gets too low. Symptoms that may accompany that would be dizziness particularly when standing, lethargy and general weakness and perhaps, feeling faint.

Your doctor (or the doctor on call for him/her) could give you advice as to whether this is an alarming situation or a simple adjustment of meds. You could call his answering service and talk to him and be reassured about what the right thing to do is. Even if he has no symptoms, it's wise to be safe than sorry.