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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Okay, so Al Capshaw reminded me that I haven't given a proper update on my situation.

If you recall, I found out at the beginning of July that the new job as a school librarian that I'd accepted (but not yet started) had "opted out" of HIPPA and therefore did not cover pre-existing conditions for one full year. I tried to find another job to replace this one (one that would actually cover my heart), but alas, that did not pan out. So I have now been working for the original school district (the one with the stinky insurance) for a couple of weeks now. If you had asked me how I liked the job that first week (inservice) I would have told you I hated it and I didn't know why I had ever decided to change careers in the first place. However, now that I have students and I'm getting into the groove (and learning TONS) I'm doing okay. I'm liking it for the most part. I'm giving it a chance and I think that, if nothing else, I will at least like the career if not the school administration I'm working for (though the district people are great).

So right now I'm paying for COBRA and will begin paying for both COBRA and my district's insurance for one year starting in October. I'm not very happy about it (nor will our pocketbooks), but I don't have much choice. Fortunately, my husband has a trust fund that he can dip into to help us pay for COBRA. It may mean putting off buying our first home or surrogacy or adoption (whichever route we go) for a little while, but my health is a priority.

Fortunately, things seem to be going okay with my health at the moment. Well, sort of. I have been having problems with my feet swelling if I'm in the heat for any length of time, but other than that I'm doing alright. The docs in Houston recommended that I not have a new ICD put in, so it looks like I won't have any more surgery for awhile (at least until my current pacer goes kaput, which is another 3 years or so). Of course, it makes me feel like my 3 surgeries in January were a big waste of time, but oh well...

Well, I guess that's about it. If there is anything I missed, let me know. I wasn't trying to hold back information, I just forgot to post a big update, what with the end of my summer classes (got A's in both), and the start of my new job. I've been trying to keep up with everyone else, but I have to admit that sometimes I miss a post or two. You're all always in my prayers...
Thanks for the update Niki.

I'm glad that you have a workable plan, even if it's not what you had hoped would materialize.

Just Keep On Keepin' On and hopefully next year will be even better.

Best wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
I'm glad you're enjoying the kids, but I'm sorry about the financial burden you are under. You are definitely my hero, girl!! :) :) Take care, and know that there is a bright spot at the end of the tunnel.
Glad to hear from you Niki. Since you're feeling pretty well and have the insurance worked out (even if it is more $$$ than you'd hoped) lets hope things stay status quo and nice and boring for you for a while.
Hi Niki, glad things are improving for you, despite the odd hiccups here and there.... but then those are par for the course!

Sending good vibes your way.....

Anna : )
I'm glad your school situation is getting better. :) It's hard to work at a job you're unhappy with.
I hope you have a great year with improved health and supportive colleagues.