Just wondering?

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Rebecca Havel

I had my Aortic valve replaced and I have been reading as well as posting on this forum and just wondering if anyone has had their Aortic Valve replaced without any complications or second surgerys. I suppose I may sound stupid by asking you all who have had Mitral Stenosis,Stents,Tricuspid repair if anyone has had just one procedure. I hope not to insult any of you because ya'll have been wonderful. Thanks~~Becky
Wasn't quite sure if you were interested in finding out who had only one procedure on their aortic valve without any other valve operations, or those who had one on the aortic valve only with or w/o other valve procedures.

But--My husband has had his aortic mechanical in place for 28 years. He's had other valve operations, but the aortic is still intact.
Many of us have received only one valve, and for many of us it has been an uncomplicated post-surgical course. However, there are also in our midst individuals who have experienced numerous surgeries, and have outlived harrowing complications.

If you're over 60, and have received any of a number of top-brand valves of any type in the last year, you are not likely to need another valve surgery at all, following the national average lifespan.

As far as I can deduce from postings, most valve replacements do not entail long-term complications, unless other, unrealted heart problems were there along with the valve issue.

Best wishes,