I thought this was interesting and thought othersmight think so too, (I especially thought of Dennis) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...scovered-crucifix-illuminated-twice-year.html
Revelation: Genius of medieval church builders rediscovered with a crucifix that is only illuminated twice a year
It is an unforgettable moment. As the sun traverses the sky its light is suddenly focused into an intense beam which illuminates a carving of Christ on the Cross.
This is not a scene from an Indiana Jones film, however, but a stirring piece of visual synchronicity that dates from medieval times.
At the spring and autumn equinox, the setting sun hits a window at Holy Trinity Church in Barsham, Suffolk, and illuminates the 5ft carving for four spellbinding minutes....
Revelation: Genius of medieval church builders rediscovered with a crucifix that is only illuminated twice a year
It is an unforgettable moment. As the sun traverses the sky its light is suddenly focused into an intense beam which illuminates a carving of Christ on the Cross.
This is not a scene from an Indiana Jones film, however, but a stirring piece of visual synchronicity that dates from medieval times.
At the spring and autumn equinox, the setting sun hits a window at Holy Trinity Church in Barsham, Suffolk, and illuminates the 5ft carving for four spellbinding minutes....