Just Thought I Would Keep Yall Posted....

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,

I just thought I would let yall know that I got my mid term grades for the first semester at school and I got Straight A's !!!!! :D :D :D Ole Harrybaby is thrilled to pieces..... I also wanted to let you all know that Tuesday, March 11th, I am going in for my ear operation, to hopefully restore my hearing, so I will let you all know how I made out there as well.

As for heart issues, I can't wait to see the PH Specialist/Cardiologist Dr. Catherwood sometime in April or May as I have been having a pile of trouble with my PH and the chest pains have come back again, so I am hoping that this Dr. will do something. Anyway, I am off to bed as I have school in the AM but I just wanted to touch base with you all. Harrybaby:D :D :D
Harry, that's fantastic. Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best of luck with your health issues. I know they do amazing things with hearing these days, so I bet your surgery will be a screaming success!! And the rest of it seems like it's been going on forever, and I'm sure it's a worry and I know you will be anxious to get some answers and some relief.

Best wishes!!

we already knew you'd get AAAAA's. Congratulations.

I would love to hear what your ear problem is and what they are doing to your ear. I ask because I have a prbl with mine. Tks ahead........
Well...It's like this Hensy......

Well...It's like this Hensy......

hensylee said:
we already knew you'd get AAAAA's. Congratulations.

I would love to hear what your ear problem is and what they are doing to your ear. I ask because I have a prbl with mine. Tks ahead........

Last May, about the time we buried my grandmother, I noticed that I had started to lose some hearing in my left ear, so I went to the Ear Nose and Throat Dr. who told me I have some permanent hearing loss in my right ear, but the results of a CAT scan showed that I have a mass under my left eardrum...The doctor told me that it could either be fluid or a tumor. I can't wait to go in Tuesday and have it taken out..whatever it is, and hopefully, my hearing will be restored. Harrybaby:D :eek: :D
Good luck with the surgery on Tuesday......and CONGRATS BIG TIME on those A's.

Will be thinking of you on Tuesday, Harry and congratulations on those A's!
Harrybaby666 said:
Last May, about the time we buried my grandmother, I noticed that I had started to lose some hearing in my left ear, so I went to the Ear Nose and Throat Dr. who told me I have some permanent hearing loss in my right ear, but the results of a CAT scan showed that I have a mass under my left eardrum...The doctor told me that it could either be fluid or a tumor. I can't wait to go in Tuesday and have it taken out..whatever it is, and hopefully, my hearing will be restored. Harrybaby:D :eek: :D

tHANKS, Harry. I wish you well and that you get your hearing back. Mine is a hole in the ear drum that's been there since I was a teen and gradual hearing loss over the years. Didn't know if maybe yours might be the same and I could glean some info as to the success of repair.
Hey, Harry!
I was thinking the other day that you needed to check in and let us know what was going on.
Congratulations on your grades and best wishes for Tuesday's op.
Don't be a stranger!:)
Congrats on the Top Student grades!!
hoping for the best with the upcoming appt.
Congratulations on your success in school! Keep up the good work!
Harry, you are a scholar and a gentleman. I knew about the gentleman part, but now the scholar part is clear, too. :) Congratulations -- and I pray your health issues will be resolved satisfactorily soon.
Harry, I wondered where you had been, although I don't post much anymore but I do linger about and read other's posts once in a while. It's great to hear you doing so well in school. All A's! That's amazing.

I hope all goes well with your ear surgery. Hugs & prayers as usual are coming your way.
Uncle Harry,

glad t'see yo' still out thar kickin' an' screamin'. Wal mebbe not kickin' too high right now. An' ah t'reckon wif them lungs of yourn mebbe yo' ain't screamin' none too loud eifer. :eek: :p :D

Wal, mebbe soon yo' will be able t'at least HEAR sumpin a-comin' atcha. :D :p

Bubba :)

Congrats on the A's.

May God Bless, my friend.

Danny :)
I am trying not to be one Mary..

I am trying not to be one Mary..

Mary said:
Hey, Harry!
I was thinking the other day that you needed to check in and let us know what was going on.
Congratulations on your grades and best wishes for Tuesday's op.
Don't be a stranger!:)

But Algebra has really been tying me up as I am struggling to understand it. Some days I am working on it for 8 to 10 hours....It's amazing though how after taking it in high school 25 years ago :eek: :eek: :eek: , that I am actually enjoying it the second time around....And my other class, Introduction to Unix is really a thrill because I am actually seeing how Algebra comes into play with computer programming which helps greatly.:D :D :D I am hoping I will be on chat this Sunday as well. Hugs from Harrybaby:D :D :D
Actually, Hensy.....

Actually, Hensy.....

hensylee said:
tHANKS, Harry. I wish you well and that you get your hearing back. Mine is a hole in the ear drum that's been there since I was a teen and gradual hearing loss over the years. Didn't know if maybe yours might be the same and I could glean some info as to the success of repair.

I do have a hole in my left eardrum as well, as I have had constant ear infections (as you may have noticed, I am NOT the healthy person that I appear to be....I am just not going to give in to all these medical problems without a fight.) as a child, and eventually, my left eardrum ruptured. The doctor may also be putting in a tube in my left ear on Tuesday as well. So I know what your going through Hensy.

What I was told was this.....In my right ear, I have permanent hearing loss, of which they cannot fix, and they told me that as I start to get older, this is normal. The other hearing loss in my left ear is called conductive hearing loss that can be fixed. It's funny....I can hear better right now out of the right ear that has permanent hearing loss, and I have a great deal of trouble hearing out of my left ear which has the damage that CAN be fixed.

I was told that as far as the ruptured ear drum, that they do heal up on their own, but whether it affects your hearing permanently or not, they didn't tell me. I will see if I can remember to ask the doctor this afternoon when I see him. Stay tuned...LOL:D :D (Whoops...I know....Never Say Stay Tuned To One Who Has Hearing Trouble....LOL):D :D :D
Buster....You Have NO IDEA...LOL

Buster....You Have NO IDEA...LOL

Ross said:
Why am I sensing a demon hackor being born? :cool:

Kidding.. I just want to work-even if only part time, in a field that is not going to overwork my heart or lungs, and moreover, get a job in a field that accepts people for their skills instead of turning you away due to poor health.....I have encountered waaayyyyy too much discrimination due to my poor health, and all I want to do is survive like anyone else....Harrybaby:D :( :D

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