Just Taking A Poll..

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,
Just thought I would take a poll and see if anyone else, besides myself is in an incredible amount of pain from all the wet, humid weather we are having on the east coast. Harrybaby666
Nope, just damp. Good thing too because I spent all night tonight doing another ride along wiht a local ambulance crew...

Had one call for a girl who feel during fire department hose races and broke her arm and another call for an idiot who got himself plastered then decided to drive home, smashing into a car about half a block from his house.

He kept driving and pulled into his driveway where the police found him about 10 minutes later and asked how his night had been.....

Yeah, I got a photo of an officer performing a field sobriety test on the guy.

Too bad the editors won't run a photo like that.

Libel issues. :rolleyes:

Just wet. I used to get a little "achy" in my left arm about where I broke it several years ago, but that faded. Mostly, if it's cold and when, I tend to cough more than usual, but that hasn't happened tonight.

Hope the folks down in Florida are hanging on OK....


But Ive always been a very good barometer :eek: , Im just a better one now... :D too much trauma to the bones here, they know all.. :p
Well, at least I am not alone...

Well, at least I am not alone...

Hi Yaps,
It has been HORRIBLE this past week with all the pain. I swear I could predict the weather more accurately than any meteorologist..LOL But seriously, I am absolutely amazed at how much pain someone can be in with this kind of humid, wet weather. Hope your pain is not anywhere near the level mine is at. It's so bad that I am on Morphine, and 1/2 the time that doesn't even begin to touch it...Go Figure. Stay well, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D :D
That Had To Be Quite The Ride!!!

That Had To Be Quite The Ride!!!

Morning Harpoon,
Well, as far as that drunk driver goes, if he develops arthritis from the impact of the crash, and it's as bad as mine is, he will have brought that one on himself...No sympathy for Drunk Drivers. I was in a number of bad car/truck accident's over the past decade, and I think this may be where the arthritis has set in. I hope the people in Florida are OK too, as I have a friend who lives right next to Ft. Meyers, in Cape Coral, and I hope she is ok. Now, I have heard that Charlie will move off the coast and back into the Atlantic and ride up the coast to SC, NC and Virginia, but I wonder if we will get any of Charlie up here in New England..It seems possible, but I hope not. Who needs the rain and humidity anyway? THIS HAS BEEN AN "I CANNOT BREATH TO WELL" PRODUCTION --Leave it to me to sound like a commercial.... :eek: :D :eek: :D Harrybaby :D :D :D


The cold will do it to me as well, but I promise you ..I can tell you when the barometer drops...lol..mt Dad had a pigs mitral valve.. he was a good weatherman too!! :D
Yeah, Me Too.

Yeah, Me Too.

It seems as if extreme temperature changes/humidity levels do it also. Sooooo, the only thing I can say is......During this humidity and wet hurricane weather....We ARE IN TROUBLE.....Accurate Weather Forcast Anyone??? LOL :D :D :eek: :eek: :D :D Harrybaby :D :D