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Dec 9, 2009
Northeast - USA
Hello everyone...not sure what I would do without this help. It has been 6 weeks and 4 days since surgery and my sternum is more painfull the last week than it was weeks ago. I would have thought that I would be feeling better by now but I guess not. Has anyone had a similar experience ?

Getting out of bed, moving around during sleep (when I can get some), up from a chair or in and out of the car is when it is the biggest problem. Perhaps it is "healing" pain but it sucks. Not sure if I should see the doc about it. Starting rehab next week maybe they will have some advice for me.

Thanks again,,,,,,,,,,,,
I don't recall the surgical pain getting worse. But I did later develop some bad pain lower down near the bottom right of my sternum, next to my rib cage, a cartilage inflammation called costochondritis. But it was a different kind of pain from the surgical pain. I'd call the doctor if I were you.
I would call the doctor too. Have you don't anything that hurt when you were doing it? Anyway, I would cal just to get it checked, if something IS wrong it's better to catch it earlier than to wait a week. Have you had any other problems? fever, weight gain ect?
You should get it checked out...doesn't hurt and will give you peace of mind (maybe some more pain pills as well!)

Same thing happened with me. I felt as though 3 or 4 weeks out I was pretty good, little pain, walking daily... but, around the same time (somewhere in the 5-8 weeks) I felt as though the chest pain was worse. I thought maybe I had been overdoing it (was driving since week 2) Anyway, I was able to do everything, but the pain continued. I do now believe that as I felt better, I did more, which in turn agitated the chest.

I can say that in the past 2-3 weeks (~13-15 wks out) I have felt much better concerning the chest. Even shoveled snow yesterday and felt fine (some aches this morning... but, good aches)

In time it will heal. But, as others have said... if you are concerned, have it checked out.
Post surgery issues should not be ignored. Don't be afraid to ask the doctor.

My back pain lingered forweeks as well as part of my chest.

The increased chest pain sounds familiar to me -- if you overdid something, which is very easy to do. In that case, your rehab people will offer you good help.
But on the chance that it is something else, it is best to get it checked out.
Don't be afraid to ask for pain pills. After my first OHS I was on 8 Ultrams a day for a couple of years, then finally got down to one in the morning and evening. So after this AVR back on the 16th of last month I talks to all the Docs and they approved the 8 again with up to 4 Percosets. I didn't want them, so only took them for about 2 days. The most important thing in healing is managing your pain. If you aren't hurting then you can rest and heal better.
Time will allow you to wean off them. But Get'em and Take'em. Sending good thoughts and wishes towards you for less pain ( mine will be the fuzzy vibes.) Rick
My surgery was Oct. 13, and i still have pain in my shoulders and back, Cardio said it should go away with time.... He said all looked good. But you should get it checked just to be on the safe side.
I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and about 2-3 weeks ago I had the same thing happen. I kept saying how well my sternum felt and then suddenly I began having alot of pain in the upper 1/2 of my sternum. I had just started cardiac rehab, and thought that to be the cause. I still have a small amount of pain here and there, turning over in bed, moving wrong, but it has gotten better over the past week. I still have some noticeable swelling at the very top of my sternum, hoping that goes away.

But it is always best to get it checked by your doctor.
I agree with everyone -- please call and see about having it checked.

It may be nothing at all. I remember that the pain in my sternum seemed to get worse before it got better. The discomfort lasted far longer than I thought it would. It's as if something was healing but hurting with the healing. I think we have so many nerve endings that have been sliced apart and have to find their way back to normal. It just takes some of us a lot longer.

Good luck and please let us know what you find out. NEVER hesitate to call the surgeon or his Physcian's Assistant. My goodness -- do you know how much you've paid them???? Feel free to ask them about any concerns!! :);)
