Welcome-We're here to help!
Welcome-We're here to help!
Hi Heather--
Kate and I both had our surgeries at Cleveland Clinic, although with different docs. Geebee had hers in Cincy, and as Kate said, Riverside also has an excellent reputation for cardiac care.
What's wrong with your valve? Are you bicuspid or do you have aortic stenosis?
I'm a nurse too, which made me more scared because I'd seen the surgery (although not a valve replacement, just CABG) and the whole idea of being on bypass and the ventilator freaked me out. My local cardiologist (I live in Louisville, KY but went to Cleveland for my surgery) gave me an RX for xanax which helped "take the edge off" before my big day. I worked until 5 days before surgery, but I had alot more notice since I was told I needed the surgery in February but waited until May to do it. It was not anywhere NEAR as bad as I'd anticipated, although the recovery was slower than I would have liked. I was off full time for 6 weeks, part time for 4 weeks then back full time at the beginning of August. I work in an oncology ICU.
Your friends and family will be anxious to help, and you'll need them, especially since you'll not be allowed to drive for at least 4 weeks, maybe longer (I think it was 6 for me). I used the electric cart at Kroger's. Since it's going to be cold, enlist someone to take you to the mall so you can get in your walking. Somewhere (help us out here, Ross) there is a post of things to take to the hospital and to have after surgery. Since so many of us have been where you are and where you're going, many have added their perspective!
Just keep us posted on when Santa is coming
and we'll be here to help as much as we can!