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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat

NINES are the natural leader. People assume they are in charge even if they are not. If in a department store, people think they work there. They take care of everyone else but need to learn to speak up when they need help, love, and hugs. 9s often feel unloved or abandoned by their mother or father, or they feel completely responsible for them. It's hard for them to let go of the past.

The 9 Attitude: The 9 is the leader. At work they'll not just do their job but everyone else's. That's the Attitude Number 9: show me what to do, I'll do it. When it's over, they're exhausted and drained, but rarely allow them selves to tell the people responsible, The Attitude Number 9 person may have old family pain that haunts them. And the 9 needs to overcome it in order to be happy today.

Seems pretty accurate.
A come on people, it's just a tiny bit of math. Besides, I wanna see what you all represent. :)
OK Ross,

Life path: 5
Attitude: 1

I do like adventure and to delve into things. Good thing too since I wouldn't want my life to be like a "soap opera"

Anyway, have a good day oh mighty leader!:)
OK, I'll open up. My life path number was 9 and my attitude number was 3. Both are surprisingly accurate. However, I didn't read what the other numbers mean. They could be accurate, too.:D

Liar, liar, pants on fire. I am not! I am not! That fits my friend, June, to a tee.

I am neither a 6 nor a 3. So there! Ross, you rigged this, I know you did.............
I agree with Ann. LoL. I don't think I'm a one or eight. It seemed pretty far off for me. So, I'll stay away from the numerology, I like the regular astrology and horoscopes. ;)

3 ... communicator...yep...very much so ;).

and then

1 ... not so sure I fit completely with this one...but sorta....


Thanks, Ross :)

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
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I turned out to be a six and a six.....(glad there wasn't one more there...ha!)
Les AVR '93 / '95
Oh well.........

Thought it would be fun. Guess not. I'll have to find something really intriguing to get all of you to do. ;)
better late than never!

better late than never!

I'm a 6 for lifepath and a 7 for attitude.

I'm just worried about being knocked off my pedestal (lifepath 6's). I'm on warfarin, you know, and I might get badly bruised!!!

Just for Fun

Just for Fun

OK, I'm a 5 for my lifepath. That fits me. But on the attitude thing. . . the example of Sept. 17th says add 9 + 1 + 7

so if I was born Nov. 10th, would I add 11 + 1 + 0, or would I add 1 + 1 + 1 + 0??? Any answers out there? I need to know my attitude.

I got two sixes which makes me the nurturer. (10-23-63) I suppose that's pretty right on to my family and the majority of my high school students, except for that class of wild ones I had last spring -- I think they had another name for me :D

Thanks for the fun, Ross.
Paul's a 9 & a 3 too?!

Paul's a 9 & a 3 too?!


I think you?re supposed to add the two numbers. 11-10 would be 1+1+1=3 That's the way they did it.

My birthday is 12-9-60. That makes for a Life Path ?NINE? and an Attitude ?THREE?

Now you know the REAL me, Rossman. :p

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