Just an update

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Hello to all,
This is just a general update on me. I'm almost 4 weeks out from AVR. I don't know of anyone I can talk to that may understand this sort of thing. I'm grateful for all of you that listen and have helped me so much in the last couple of weeks. Of course I talk to my wife, I think now that the intense stress of surgery is over she is suffering some post traumatic stress type things, a lot of things trigger emotional responses in her, she is very protective of me also.

Last week I was in the hospital again due to a TIA, I'm ok now. Yesterday I stopped in at work to visit my co-workers, I stayed 3 hours!! It was humbling to see how much everyone cared and missed me, they're a great group and I will forever view them differently. I was on top of the world yesterday, I had so much energy, I went for a couple of long walks as well as a doctor appointment.

Well today I am somewhat down, what an emotional rollercoaster this has been. But I know that's probably normal. I was very tired throughout the day. But I was on the phone with the insurance company, the bills are rolling in now!! The cable went out, I'm making more doctor appointments, and trying to set up cardiac rehab but no one can get me in until June!! I'm planning on going back to work 5/24, hope the doctor agrees. So thanks for listening, just needed to vent/talk.

Thanks to all of you,

Yup - sounds about right - up and down, up and down.

Too bad you can't get into cardiac rehab until so late. I got in at just 4 weeks post ohs & it really helped me get back on my feet.

Tomorrow will be better; you just out ran your energy yesterday. Put your feet up, watch "House" and relax.
Don't make your recovery wait on cardiac rehab. Start on a sensible program of walking and exercise. The sooner you get things back, the less likely you are to have problems. If you're concerned what to do, get information from your cardiologist (you shouldn't need an appointment to do so).

Best wishes,
Sounds like you just had open heart surgery and your wife survived the war too. As the wife of the patient, I can tell you that during the hospital stay, you find stamina and energy from some mysterious source and it's perfectly normal to have your emotions play havoc and to also be over protective once you have your mate home. I agree with Georgia, you overdid it yesterday and today it's catching up with you. Things WILL improve.
Sounds like you had a very busy day. Now, your body wants to rest. I agree, up and down, up and down. Try not to overdo it on the up days and hopefully the down days won't be so bad. It will soon all level out.
Hi Steve,
What did the doctors say abou the TIA? Are you at greater risk for a major stroke because you had a TIA? Or since it's related to your warfarin levels will you be in the clear once your levels have improved. I don't know too much about all that since I have a tissue valve. Glad you were able to go to work and feel appreciated and missed. As for your wife, I am sure she DOES have PTSD. I would be a wreck if my husband had as many health scares as you have. After a good cry I always feel much better and more hopeful!

Georgia - How can you watch "House"? I used to watch E.R. all the time but after my operartion I can't watch any medical TV shows. Too many sympathy pains. Even when an ER commercial comes on I change the channel. I have turned into a woosy. ;)


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