Just an update for anyone interested.

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Well, The past couple of days has been a roller coaster of waiting. We did have to take him off his amiodarone (controlled the arrythmias) because they couldn't do the ep study with it in his system. As of now he's had no problems and his rhythm has been nomal. As long as we continue that way -- they are saying that he's outgrown the arrythmia which they say they usually do between 2 -3 years old. If he has truly outgrown it, he will not need the ep study. If he does have sytems, He'll have to go back on the amiodarone to get it in control. Then go to the hospital to come off it and go on an esmolol drip until they can do the ep study and ablation. All this before his fontan if we can gt it all in -- they said it's harder to do an abalation after the fontan is complete. So wish us luck. As for the cath itself -- it went fine. He was in around 7:30 and we had been called that they were done and we were in his SAS room by 9:30 waiting on him to show up. He slept for the next 2 hours, then woke up and was ready to go!!! He was offering the nurses $1000 to take his IV out. He also told me "Mommy I'm done with it, you take it!" But the official results were that his pulmonary artieries had grown well and the pressures were nice and low (I believe he said 10) And that we looked great and ready for his fontan. So, we are a go for June 27th. We are home now and he's back to his normal self -- he no longer "has the woozles" as we called them. So, I'll keep in touch and if we have any other med/arrythmia problems I'll post them.
Such a brave little guy. I am happy to hear he's off the amiodarone. Hope his rhythm stay put where they belong.

June will be here before you know it. We are praying that all will go well.

Wishing you/him all the best in coming weeks. Please let us know. Blessins...
Glad the cath went well and hope his rhythm stays normal as well. I put you on the calendar for June 27th and we will be here to cheer your brave son to a complete recovery.
Well it sounds like everything is going along right now without any nasty surprises. I hope it continues that way for you. He sounds like a great little guy.
Thanks to everyone

Thanks to everyone

We certainly thank everyone for the wonderful comments and prayers. We'll take all those we can get. I know that I'm glad we were able to get him off the amiodarone for now, but I still worry that once it gets enough of itself out of his system the SVT's will come back. So needless to say -- he and "steffy stehy" (as we call his stethoscope) will be very good friends. Thanks again :)
I'm so glad the cath went well.............

I'm so glad the cath went well.............

and I pray that y'all stay arrythmia-free. Good news about the fontan, although as a fellow heart parent I know you are dreading the surgery itself. Many hugs. J.

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