Jump starting anything ... aka Networking II

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Almost a year ago, I found myself without a job. 2 months later, I started working again ... at a call center job that I just do not like, which may be causing, or at the very least, making my continued abdominal pains worse. Thus, I've been looking for a new job for a couple months, but have not found anything in particular...yet. So, knowing that "they say" the best jobs are found networking ... wondered who all here might be interested in forming a "networking" group of sorts ... and, no it doesn't have to be all about jobs. It could be networking for anything ;).

If you're interested, let me know.....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
"I guess I'm feeling just a little tired of this" ... Keith Urban ... 'You'll Think Of Me'
Well I could say yes, but it would be considered illegal activity, so I don't think I better.
PSSSST!!!! Over here!!!! :cool:

*opens coat* (Cort ©)

Wanna buy a watch????:rolleyes:


I plan on posting a ?BACK TO WORK? thread soon. I know you are not fearful of relocating so you may want to consider applying for the many government jobs (federal, state, local) available (both stateside and overseas). There are several web sites (I can send you a few if you like) where you can log on, look at job announcements, and fill out on-line applications without even leaving your home. When I was laid off, I applied for many of the listed jobs. I was limited because I wouldn't consider relocating. The one I?m starting came from that on-line application process. I should warn you that some of them are temporary (on a year to year basis) and you should weigh the pros and cons before taking something like that. But the government offers many health insurance plans and ALL are forbidden by Federal Law to exclude ?pre-existing? problems. I will help in your network quest if I can.

May God Bless,


PS: Not that you would but I wouldn?t recommend a FORD job right now.:eek: :eek: :D
*raises eyebrow*

Illegal, Ross? Do you know something we don't? ;)

Steve...I know. I'm bad about calling people ... hope you can accept my apologies. After being on the phone all day long at work (the call center environment), being on the phone is not one of my things to do in the evenings.... BUT...maybe sometime this weekend I'll give you a call ... or, if you don't hear from me ... call me, too! He he he.


A cousin of mine used to work in a government job in MD ... so, she is seeing what she can do to help me out in that area, too. And, I keep doing the online applications ... looking at our local newspaper, etc. Just trying to "expand" the "search", since I'm a bit more (for lack of a better term) desperate now.... Sure appreciate your ideas/thoughts, of course!


It's just that I've witnessed first-hand how the internet brings people together ... figured networking might be another way to tap that power ;).
Yo, Cort --

Danny has a good point. Check out the good old Federal Government. My wife is a career federal employee and loves it. About 15 years ago my sister was having a tough time with jobs that didn't last, companies being sold, etc., and she applied for a federal job. She started out at Fort Sheridan, in public relations, then to a gig in Indianapolis, now has been at a civilian job for the Air Force in Southern Illinois for over 10 years. She wouldn't trade it for the world. Leave time benefits (vacation and sick time) are way better than private industry, too.

Check it out!

I had someone PM me (WONDER WHO???) asking for the government links so I thought I would post them here for anyone that may be interested.



The first one is ANY government job. You can look for job interest, experience and/or location. The second one is Navy and Marine Corps. I know there are other sites but those are the two I have right now.

Good luck in your search.

May God Bless,


Yes...very helpful, Danny...thank you!!!


Thanks for that personal perspective...definitely helps ... and echoes, more or less, exactly what my cousin has told me.


Now, just gotta make the time to check 'em out ... problem is, by the time I get home at night, I literally plop down and do nothing for a few hours, then get my 2nd wind, quickly realize that I'd better "wrap things up" so I can go to bed...lol.

I'm up late tonight ... but I don't go to work in the morning because I have an appointment with the gastro guy...and possibly the PCP as well.

I just want the pain to go away...as well as the current job ;).
Looks like a couple handfuls of people from several different forums are interested in "networking" ... so, if you are serious about it ... or even only considering the possibilities, send me an Email (faithcubs_montecarlo5 @ juno.com) or PM ... and we'll go from there!

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
"You better not try to stand in my way" ... J Paycheck ... 'Take This Job & Shove It'
Given the news announced today that my department has been sold, I decided to bring this thread up again ... in case anyone missed it and might be interested in joining a "networking" group....