Joint Pain and Swollen Right HAND

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Well-known member
May 13, 2006
Newark, California
I am new to this site. My AVR was done April 6, 2006. I spent three weeks in the hospital. Two days after coming home my right hand was as swollen as a rubber glove that had been blown up. My arm hurts from my shoulder to the tips of my fingers. My Jaw joints hurt, my knees hut and my feet feel as though they are swollen on the ball of my foot and toes.

I have gone to my Cardioligist, Primary Physician, Rhumatoligist, As of yet no one can figure out what is causing this. I did not have any of these symptons before surgery, Has any one had anything like this happen after surgery? It is driving me nuts, I have no strength in my hand and it really hurts when I try to do anything. I have another appointment with my PP in three weeks. He has run a lot of blood tests so may something will show up there. This has been far mor troublesom that the Heart Surgery and recovery.

Jackie Pancoast

Machanical Aorotic Valve Replacement 4/6/2006
I'm sorry that I don't have an answer for you. Maybe someone else will come along to address it.

I'm glad that your arm's gradually getting better. Sometimes I think it just takes time for things to heal. That's what it took with my "frozen shoulder".
It's great that you'll not be bothered too much by it with Kameron with you for the week.:) :)
I'm so sorry!

I'm so sorry!

Sounds like no fun! Hang in there, will send some good vibes your way, and keep contacting the doctors -- sooner or later someone will hit it. It's science, not magic, so don't be afraid to go to another doctor. :)