John's avr and aortic aneurysm repair is Thursday, April 23

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You posted that your presurgery testing has been completed, and now you're playing the waiting game. I'd like to extend my best wishes, and those of all vr members, for a successful valve replacement and aorta repair. I hope that your subsequent recovery process is easy and quick, and you're back posting your experience in record time.
God bless and Godspeed!
All of the best luck there is to you. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. God Bless
WIshing you all the best for a successful surgery and recovery! You are in my prayers!!
All the best John with your surgery and recovery,God Bless

zipper2 (DEB)
Best wishes for tomorrow, John. And please keep us in the loop so we know how you're doing. You know how we worry . . .

Good luck!

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