Johnny is on the mend!

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2009
Ottawa, Ontario , Canada.
Had to go for blood work at the Heart Institute today so I popped in to see Johnny afterwards.

He is doing OK, feeling rough as to be expected.
They didn't end up replacing the valve but rather "tightened" everything up.
They also did not give him the Kryptonite glue as they said he was strong enough and his bone was thick enough he did not need it. This is unfortunate as he is on several inhalers and coughs regularly so he is in a fair bit of pain.

He is in good spirits and I will pop in again on Friday to check up on him if he is still in. Was nice to be able to meet a board member and help him feel better.
Thanks very much for the update on Johnny, Dscouter.

I am glad that the surgery is behind him and interesting rationale for not using the Kyrptonite.

Oh boy...hope that his cough subsides and that he is able to get the pain under control.

Please let him know we are thinking of him and rooting for a smooth recovery.
Give my best to Johnny. Guess I don't understand the rationale either for not using Kryptonite. Thought it was a done deal.
Hi Johnny is still in hospital awaiting test results from possible infection. He is feeling good and eating well .. Good spirits but getting antsy - looking forward to being discharged.

Posted by his sister
Johnny's sister,

Thanks for giving us the update on Johnny.

Was wondering if he had been released. I hope the tests are 'negative' so that he can continue on the mend. However, it is better to be safe than sorry and best to be in the hospital where he can be monitored. He doesn't want to do what I did... discharged and 24 hours later, re-admitted for another 7 days. :eek:

Sending positive thoughts his way...
Update on Johnny

Update on Johnny

I was at the Heart Institute today and dropped by to see if Johnny had been discharged. Unfortunately, he is still in the hospital (and still iin isolation). I managed to talk to him from the hallway. He is undergoing more tests as there are some 'bleeding' issues (we didn't get into the details). However, the valve/heart is fine. Needless to say, he is doing the best he can seeing that it is day 14 in the hospital; however, it is understandable that he is getting discouraged.

Please continue those positive thoughts and prayers that he will be released soon.
I was at the Heart Institute today and dropped by to see if Johnny had been discharged. Unfortunately, he is still in the hospital (and still iin isolation). I managed to talk to him from the hallway. He is undergoing more tests as there are some 'bleeding' issues (we didn't get into the details). However, the valve/heart is fine. Needless to say, he is doing the best he can seeing that it is day 14 in the hospital; however, it is understandable that he is getting discouraged.

Please continue those positive thoughts and prayers that he will be released soon.

Thanks for the update. He must be getting fed up by now, but it's best to get all the glitches sorted out.