John Edwards heart surgery?

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I thought maybe stent also but that would not require 10 or so weeks recovery before he could go to trial. Also, they would not have scheduled it weeks away for someone of his prominence. He'd be having it done ASAP.

While they haven't announced it, sure sounds like CABG or valve replacement.
I was thinking maybe an ablation or maybe even a valve replacement and/or maze procedure. Not sure if an ablation would warrant putting off a prosection again though. So funny, I was anxious to find a thread on it here at
I don't pay much attention to politics because its basically Hollywood for ugly people. Anyway, whatever the guys past I wish him the best this heart crap is no joke. No major organ surgery is fun, but if I had to draw straws I'd say brain surgery is the worst and heart being a close second. If you have went through brain or heart surgery you have earned my respect.
I don't pay much attention to politics because its basically Hollywood for ugly people. Anyway, whatever the guys past I wish him the best this heart crap is no joke. No major organ surgery is fun, but if I had to draw straws I'd say brain surgery is the worst and heart being a close second. If you have went through brain or heart surgery you have earned my respect.

Thank you for reminding us. It's easy to joke about his 'heartlessness', but he is still a person and facing serious medical situation.

I wish him well...... if for his children if one can't find any other reason.
I heard pacemaker. Serious yes. Most of us are aware this in not major surgery. And why they would wait a number of weeks to implant?. You either need it, or you don't. Could be a ploy to delay the trial.
Thank you for reminding us. It's easy to joke about his 'heartlessness', but he is still a person and facing serious medical situation.

I wish him well...... if for his children if one can't find any other reason.

Couldn't agree more, he's only human, what he did was a terrible thing, maybe it's just me but I'm all for forgiving, and I'm not the least religious. I do however believe in karma and not wishing him nothing more than a healthy surgery and recovery would give me a feeling of bad karma headed my way when I go in for surgery. I'm also superstitious if you couldn't tell :x
I don't pay much attention to politics because its basically Hollywood for ugly people. Anyway, whatever the guys past I wish him the best this heart crap is no joke. No major organ surgery is fun, but if I had to draw straws I'd say brain surgery is the worst and heart being a close second. If you have went through brain or heart surgery you have earned my respect.

"Hollywood for ugly people." So funny and oh so true. I may use this quote at some point.
I love the "Hollywood for ugly people" comment, too!

And when it come to the reason for the delay.... Maybe, like many of us here, he's stalling b/c he's in denial--the old "this can't be happening to me" reaction.

Praying he has a successful procedure.
I would bet valve replacement, but that's only because of my own experience/ recovery time, etc. Kind of strange for the delay in getting it done, he has lots of money so he should be able to get in ASAP.
Everything is drama with him. Probably a typical extra beat and he needs more sympathy. Prison will give him something else to worry about.