Jewel's surgery Thursday

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Hope you get to see this before you leave for the hospital Jewel. We wish you a most successful surgery and an uneventful recovery. I hope someone can post so we know how your are doing.
pgruskin said:
Hope you get to see this before you leave for the hospital Jewel. We wish you a most successful surgery and an uneventful recovery. I hope someone can post so we know how your are doing.


Prayers and positive thoughts to go with you into surgery.

Thanks All

Thanks All

I just had to separate from my kids - sigh - that's the worst part for me! :eek:

So I came back on here to try to distract myself for awhile - Imagine my delight to see positive messages. THANKS ALL!

I have written my password for husband John and told him to try to remember to post twice -tonight after Cath etc and tell you all what's planned (or even ask questions) and then - tomorrow/Thurs after surgery!

I am thinking of JCWillie and hoping to get on one more time today to see a successful message from his family.

Jewel said:
I just had to separate from my kids - sigh - that's the worst part for me! :eek:

(((Jewel))) that was the worst for me also. It didn't help that my 11 year old son was swimming the day I had my surgery, got out of the pool and slipped knocking his adult front tooth out and loosening 3 others in the front!! My poor husband had just left me at the hospital when my other kids were frantically calling him on his cell phone...he then had to rush son to dentist after hours so they could try to save his tooth. He needs a root canal and then will have to have it capped....What a day June 2 was!!! :)
A Safe Journey Jewel

A Safe Journey Jewel


We Will All Be Thinking Of You Today On Your Journey Up The Mtn.
Also We Hope An Uneventful Trip Down The Other Side...Take Care :D
surgery today

surgery today

My prayers are already with you, it will all go well. See ya on this side soon.
The hardest part is now behind you; just hold on and let yourself ease on and into recovering.

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