Jefferson Heart Institute

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Anyone have valve repair or replacement at Jefferson? I will by the beginning of October and just want it over with!! So let me know, if you would, please! Need encouragement! Not looking forward to it!:eek:


Can't help with your question since I had my replacement at Inova in Northern Virginia. Anything with "Jefferson" in the title sounds good to we Virginians though. :D

Just wanted to welcome you to the forum. No doubt others will be along who will be familiar with that facility. And since you have some four months before your surgery, you will have the opportunity to have many questions answered by the good people here. By the time thebig date arrives you will be well-informed and hopefully at peace about having it done and getting on with your life.



Thanks for encouragement. I do have peace about the surgery at this point, just not anxious! I know the Lord has a plan for me with this, I will be anxious to get this over with, recover so I can spend quality time with my grand daughter and new grand son! Thank you again for the welcome and the encouragement, it means alot to me! I have done no research up to now, didn't want to know anything, but I think it's time that I start to "share" for my own good! :eek:
Is that the Jefferson Heart Institute in Philadelphia? I do see some information about it on the Web.

Grandchildren are treasures, aren't they? I took my two granddaughters (ages 2 and 7) to a mountainop zoo we have around here the other day and we had a ball. So wonderful to be able to walk up heights now without getting out of breath (and to be able to keep up with the grandkids, more or less. :D


Yes, that is in Philadelphia, I live about a half hour from there. Believe it or not, the Cardiologist here told me I was going to be "dead" in a year. So I obviously sought another opinion asap. (Dr. John Doherty) Jefferson saw me the next day! I am sooooo thankful! Grand Children are the VERY best! I love my grand daughter more than I ever thought I could! And I am so looking forward to my Grand son!:D
Phila area

Phila area

I live in S. Jersey and had my "plumbing repaired" at U of Penn by Dr. Bavaria. He's the Johnny Rock Star of heart surgeons. See if you can get a second opinion from Penn.
Welcome! Sounds like you & I have about the same history - I had a shot mitral valve and damaged tricuspid, enlarged heart, fluid retention, etc. Was also in bad shape when diagnosed. AND I have 2 grandsons (6 & 3) and a girl due in August (I expect her in July, however). And I think those boys are the best ever.

Please read through the threads on this site; any questions that present themselves, ask away.

You'll be amazed at how different you feel after you've recovered from surgery. Recovery takes quite a while, but ever so slowly you start feeling like you should have all along.

I'm sure this is all a shock for you and your girls; the best thing is that you have a mechanical problem that can be corrected by a good mechanic. There are lots worse things . . .
Does Jefferson fix valves?

Does Jefferson fix valves?

I think since Jefferson is a heart institute they do offer heart valve repair but I don't think they have any heart valve repair program listed as a speciality (their focus is CAD). It looks like the place to go in Phila for heart valves is University of Penn - Penn Health Care - Presbyterian in Phila. Here is a link to the Surgeons at the University of Penn - Penn health. Several of them are top notch in valve repair and they have lots of minimally invasive stuff to offer.

Here is a link to their excellent stats on valve surgery at Penn Health
Grand children

Grand children

I had my first mitral valve surgery last May and had horrible complications, but the one thing I kept in mind was the grandson my daughter was carrying. He's here and he was worth waiting for, and he was one of the reasons I had to get better.


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