Janet- Our Resident David Letterman

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Update on Katie's care page:
November 15, 2005 at 01:51 AM CST
I know I am long overdue for an update...........sigh! (And Kathy and Ron, you guys have been so patient! Hugs.) Here are my top ten, so please pick the excuse you like best:

10. I have won the lottery, dah-ling, and have been mah-velously traveling around this mah-velous world, so I just haven't had time to update, dah-ling.
9. I was abducted by aliens and they just released me this morning, so I haven't had time to update.............DUH!
8. I abducted an alien and just released him this morning (hey, I did let him phone home a couple of times), so I didn't have time to update.....do you KNOW how much aliens eat?
7. I was institutionalized for a brief while - well, okay three months, but it was in a lovely, padded room, so clean, so crisp, so white, so quiet.............sigh! Anyway, I was sadly released this morning.
6. I have spent way too much time fantasizing about being institutionalized to update...........they're coming to take me away, haha! they're coming to take me away....................I wish!
5. I have been living in a nudist colony on the northern tip of the Texas coastline. We are due for a coldfront tonight, so it was time to come home.
4. I have been incarcerated for the past three months for trying to impersonate a sane person. I became so despondent after Martha left that they decided to let me out........anyone who loves Martha that much must be good...........
3. I have been wandering the countryside, poor and destitute, begging for sustenance and living upon the kindness of strangers (emphasis on STRANGE) while trying to find my wayward butt........last seen in the vicinity between Michigan and Missouri.
2. I have been too busy putting up "LOST BUTT" posters and doing a cybersearch for my butt, BUT to little avail as I never really got a good mugshot of my posterior end to put up on the posters.....With the reward,though, I have had many butts knocking at my door.........
1. I have been swamped at work and am ready to go play dodge-car, blind-folded, on the freeway during rush hour.........

Okay,take your pick.

Besides work killing me, Katie has fully annointed us in the coumadin baptismal.........sheesh! We have had our first virus on coumadin, our first throwing up of our coumadin dose, our first head hit, and our first really big hematoma on our hipbone (4" x 2" x 1/2" puffy elevation)..........and ALL, of course, happen late at night (or we discover them then) when the doctor's offices are all closed. My valve replacement buddies help loads, but sometimes they aren't even around at 2:30 in the morning...........sigh! And, for some reason, they are reluctant to give me their home phone numbers..........heehee!

I will give a brief update and try and fill in the many gaps later...........I know, I know..........I never get around to filling in those gaps......... .hmmmm...........suffering from gap syndrome......wonder if that has to do with my missing butt ? I AM missing a ?gap?! snicker, snicker

Katie, despite all of our trials and tribulations, is doing fabulously. At her last PC visit, she was satting 99%!!!! We have NEVER BEFORE seen 99. She was 92 at birth and spiraled steadily downward ever since into the 70?s, so we are thrilled with that bit of news. We are adjusting to the clicking. It really isn?t that noticeable, except in the wee hours of the morning. Katie DID wake up the other night, tho, and wanted to know why her heart was ticking like a clock????.sigh! Besides the coumadin issue, Katie is doing fabulously heart-wise. I had to share the 99% with Dr. Bove and he was thrilled for us, of course. We do, still, have to get the second opinions on the gut issue. We need to get the gut study from Michigan, make copies, and then send it out for additional opinions. It was supposed to be sent, but, somehow, I knew that wouldn?t automatically happen. One more thing to do in my spare time????.sigh!

Go to Pt. 2!

73 November 15, 2005 at 01:46 AM CST
Part II, ll/15

Katie started pre-K and is loving it. She has been sick a fair amount of the time, nothing major, but I truly expected this as she has never been around a large group of germ-factories before. We have kept her fairly isolated at Ms. Carol?s and Papa?s, so I suspected that we would come down with a lot of bugs this year, but nothing major so far, thank God! I figure better now than later in kindergarten or first grade.

Of course, I have to share some Katieisms.

*I got home from work a few days ago, and Katie came running up to me, eager to tell me what she had learned in school that day.

"Mommy, mommy, I learned about bowels today!"

(I looked at Don a bit incredulously.......) "Bowels? What did you learn about bowels today?"

"You can't make WORDS without BOWELS!!!"

"haha! Yep, honey, ya got that right. You can't do much of anything without your bowels."

*Another time she came running in to tell me that DON wanted me.


?Yeah, Don! You know that MAN you MARRIED!?

* One of Katie?s very best friends at school has a black daddy and a white mommy (she used to say chocolate and vanilla, but I guess she is much more advanced with schooling???.I dunno, I kind of like the chocolate and vanilla myself. Maybe the whole world could finally get along if we just thought of each other in ice cream flavors!).

Last weekend while we were driving in the car (that?s the best place to drive!), Katie was baffled as to how Trip could have a different daddy from her and wondered how I could be married to two men. Don and I spent the better part of ten minutes trying to explain divorce and how sometimes things don?t work out between two parents and etc., etc. All was lost on Katie, as her only concern was, ?Trip, is your daddy black or white??

*And, of course, just for grins I have to relay our recent visit to the ped?s on a Saturday. Our ped wasn't doing Saturday clinic that weekend, so it's always fun trying to explain Katie's anatomy to a new doc.

?Geez, her file is a little thick, isn?t it?? as I read ?Oh, sh*t!? in his mind???.heehee!

While listening to her heart on the LEFT side, the doc says," Well, you certainly don't hear that all the time."

I said, "Well, actually, WE DO, thank God!????. and it's even louder on the right."

"Oh, she has dextrocardia, huh?"

"Yep, heterotaxy, too." (Whoosh! Over the head!)

"Okay, Katie, I'm just gonna check for any stomach tenderness" as he feels on the left.

So, I say, "Oh, her stomach is on the right, too."

"So???. she has situs inversus."

"No, actually she has situs ambiguous."


"Yeah, she has one of those??????.........haha! It's midline. Oh, and she's polysplenic."

"So, I guess it wouldn't do any good for me to check for spleen enlargement?"


He did kind of crack a joke when he wanted to check her tonsils?????Uh???they ARE in her throat, aren?t they?? heehee!

When the doc was feeling her stomach, Katie explained to him, ?My stomach only hurts when I have GASOLINE in it!!!? (guess she was thinking back to the hospital and those horrible gas pains she had, poor thing!). STill, I had to laugh! I think mine would hurt, too, if it had gasoline in it.

Well, that?s us for now. Gonna hit the big 5.0 this weekend????can?t believe it?s ONLY been five years????.heehee! Lots of love and thanks for checking in on us.
I'm very serious when I say that I think Janet needs to write a book. I think she could be the next Erma Bombeck. Janet you never fail at making me chuckle, and even guffaugh sometimes.
Better get ready with that reward

Better get ready with that reward

I wish Janet would quit trying to use her missing butt to explain her emotional state.:eek: :eek:

She knows where it is, and that she is soon to be reunited with it.:D :D

Yep, I found it along Union Pacific railroad tracks several months ago, and brought it home with me so it could rest and recuperate. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'm taking it home to Arlington the second day of December, so Janet should stop her fussing. And yes, I expect a reward!;) :D :p ;) :D
Mary said:
I wish Janet would quit trying to use her missing butt to explain her emotional state.:eek: :eek:

She knows where it is, and that she is soon to be reunited with it.:D :D

Yep, I found it along Union Pacific railroad tracks several months ago, and brought it home with me so it could rest and recuperate. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'm taking it home to Arlington the second day of December, so Janet should stop her fussing. And yes, I expect a reward!;) :D :p ;) :D

Okay - now I'm REALLY disturbed.:eek:

Janet - thought you'd like to know that I just copied your care page update into an email and sent it to all my church friends who had been praying for Katie during her surgery bootcamp. Many had been asking how she was doing. Yes, I copied the entire update!:eek: :D Maybe some will pray for the return of your butt (if Mary doesn't become too attached).

I'm waiting to see if your update makes it's way on to our Prayer Concerns list. :D

......"THIS JUST IN" ........I just received a reply to the email I sent. I don't think there's any hidden meaning.

<<Thanks for update. That Mother is a riot. Bless her for her sense of humor with all she is going through.>>

1.A wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people.
2.Law. A violent disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled for a common purpose.
3.An unrestrained outbreak, as of laughter or passions.
4.A profusion: The garden was a riot of colors in August.

5.Unrestrained merrymaking; revelry.
7.Slang. An irresistibly funny person or thing: Isn't she a riot?

Even though #7 seems to be the intended use. I think #6 is more fun. :)

You CRACK me up with those butt TAILS.:D :D :D

You'd better be careful Mary doesn't swap BUTTS with you.:eek: You know how she is.:rolleyes:

Good to see everything is going along so great. I'm sure Katie has probably picked up many additional grandparents from VR.COM. I second that book.

May God Bless,

Well, I thought my ears were burning.........

Well, I thought my ears were burning.........

beats my butt burning, I guess...........

Mary, I am so hurt. I can't believe you would pick on someone with an anal fixation...........and hey, that reward is almost up to 90 cents. Katie let me borrow from her piggy bank. Will 90 cents buy a piece of a*s these days? :eek: Oh, I am so wicked.

And Danny, you think I'm gonna believe that your using "butt" and "crack" in the same sentence was pure coincidence? :D And, believe me, Katie needs all the grandparents she can get. At the rate she's aging me, I'll be dead in five years...........sigh!

Karylynn, sweetie, you got the Bomb part right anyway, as that is what I am quite sure any book I wrote would do..........heehee! :D MOst of the general public at large are not nearly as depraved as this group. :D :D And you know that woman that e-mailed you back is probably reallly blessing me jsut because she knows I am soon going to make that transition from temporary insanity to terminally insane. That, or she is really praying for my soul. ON one serious note, thank you so much for having your prayer group pray for Katie. I REALLY appreciate that so much.

Cort, my dear, I am afraid that you will be waiting quite some time for that book tour (I mean, afterall, we are still working on thank you notes from July, and I have taken to dusting off last year's Christmas cards that never got sent out..............sigh!) but when I do write it, I will make sure to have a car on the cover as I am well aware that we will only be touring all the car show circuits. :D In the meantime, there is now an opening in that nudist colony..........heehee!

And, Ross, she did not get it from me. Don is really the silent jokester around here..................I mean he married me, didn't he?

Phyllis, love you, and thanks for always tracking our insanity.

Hugs to you all. If y'all are into praying, then please pray that I make it through Katie's Chuck E. Cheese party tomorrow with that little smidgen of sanity I have left. If you read the headlines, "Mother Attacks Big Fat Rat," well, you know who it was.......................sigh!

Well, darlin', why don't you hire me to edit the book for you? Heck....I'd be more than happy to search all your posts for your stories, etc., and then edit them into "book form"....

Seriously...give it some though ;).

He he he

And, the car on the cover sounds good to me....

As for that nudist colony.....