I had my replacement on a Tuesday. Tuesdays are a good day for surgery!
(surgeon isn't recuperating from week-end )
We'll be waiting to hear a positive report post-surgery and hope to have a post from you by next week-end.
God Bless and Godspeed,
Jane. Will be thinking of you all day tomorrow. I know you will do fine!! I, too, had my surgery on a Tuesday -- my surgeon told me to pick a Tuesday!! He even said it was their best day of the week!!
Looking forward to hearing about your success! Let us know if someone will be posting for you.
Tuesdays are a GREAT day! Want to know why? Because that means you'll probably (lord willing and the creek don't rise) BE ALLOWED TO COME HOME ON SATURDAY. If you had to wait until Wednesday, like me, then it almost guarantees a stay in the hospital until Monday - which means two extra days of hospital food. It means two extra nights of not much sleep. Yuck