Hello everyone, We Had our appoinment yesturday with the surgeon at Loma Linda . James had commissurotomy and valvuloplasty ( valve repair on his aortic valve) last July and it didn't hold up. Now he has Severe aortic regurgitation. We knew he was now going to need replacement soon, but the surgeon wants to get it done as soon as possible. So he is scheduled for the first open day on the surgeons calendar which is the 21 of march just two weeks away. we thought long and had on as what to do and disscused the options on what would be best. James is 16 and very active he loves to ride dirtbikes so we have decided to go with ross procedure as to avoid the blood thinning drugs. We jsut hope that it will last a very long time we know nothing is 100%. His regular Cardio recommened James home school until after sugery and told him to take it easy. It's going to be a long two weeks James has only been out of school for a week and he is driving us and himself crazy He just can not relax. I guess I will have to go get him some new video games to keep him busy when he is not doing home work. He wants to go out for one last ride before surgery and I won't let him I can just see him go out there and doing crazy jumps and getting hurt and delaying his surgery. So I am not his favorite person right now he says I am over protective. I can live with that.
Sharon Mom to James
Sharon Mom to James