I'm surprised!
I'm surprised!
Hello and sorry I didn't post about my doctor's appointment yesterday. You see, I was so anxious the night before my echo, that I ended up taking 1mg of lorax and another mg a couple of hours before the exam. Anyway, my EKG came up normal and the heart rate, 86 per minute which's quite good for me. The echo though , as far as I can understand, showed that my valve seems to be better than the last time I was there. Here's the translation and I'd be very grateful if the members who are more aware of the readings of these exam results could come forward and help me understand the changes and what they really mean. Thanks again for all your support and prayers.
July22nd 2004, biological prosthesis with slightly thickened cusps, sufficient and competent opening, maximum GRAD = 14mmhg;Medium GRAD =7mmhg; valvular area (Doppler) = 2.68cm2. Increased left atrium.
Tricuspid valve, normal opening with mild regurgitation.
Sistolic pressure in the pulmonary artery estimated at 30mmhg
March3rd 2005, biological prothesis with slightly thickened cusps, sufficient and competent opening, maximum GRAD=12mmhg ;medium GRA=05mmhg; valvular area (doppler) = 2.80cm. Increased left atrium.
*Ventrículo esquerdo com dimensão interna e função sistólica global normais
* Sorry about this last part but I was afraid I might translate it wrong. Anyway, I hope you can still understand. This time he said he couldn't see any regurgitation on the tricuspid valve, neither did he see the pressure in the pulmonary artery. I don't have any leakage on the mitral valve either. I'll be looking forward to hearing any additional information you may have for me.