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Please take a minute to help feed the hungry. This is legitimate.

Campbell's is donating a can of soup to the needy for every person that goes to their site and votes for their favorite NFL team.

Go to the site and it is right there, very easy to do - they don't ask for your name or anything like that. It will only take a few seconds of your time to fill some empty tummies with warm soup this winter.
Thanks Georgia,
I wish everything was that easy!:p
Take Care

Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Thanks Georgia, that was fast. I copied your post and sent it in an email to everyone in my address book.

Great one, Georgia - and I don't even watch football! But now I have a favorite team, and Campbells is out 2.4 million cans at this point!
While it took a great deal of effort to admit that my favorite team is, in fact, still the Cincinnati Bengals, it's for a good cause, and Campbells is now out 2.6 million cans and counting...

It's too bad we can't vote AGAINST our least favorite team. Now that would be easy.
I voted again, and noticed that the Green Bay Packers are in first place with their can totals!:mad: