Hi everyone !
Well tomorrow I go in at 7.am. for angio, check -in and presurg testing...then wed. the 18th at 8.am. I go into surgery......Just want to thank everyone for all your prayers, good wishes, words of comfort and for just being there! I have faith that all will go well and that I will be back online in about a week...til then, I also send my prayers and good wishes to all of you who are also scheduled and look forward to chatting about our experiences !
See you over the rainbow!!
AVR, Wednesday, June 18th , 2008
Well tomorrow I go in at 7.am. for angio, check -in and presurg testing...then wed. the 18th at 8.am. I go into surgery......Just want to thank everyone for all your prayers, good wishes, words of comfort and for just being there! I have faith that all will go well and that I will be back online in about a week...til then, I also send my prayers and good wishes to all of you who are also scheduled and look forward to chatting about our experiences !
See you over the rainbow!!
AVR, Wednesday, June 18th , 2008