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  • Thread starter myheartsafluttering
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Hi everyone !

Well tomorrow I go in at for angio, check -in and presurg testing...then wed. the 18th at I go into surgery......Just want to thank everyone for all your prayers, good wishes, words of comfort and for just being there! I have faith that all will go well and that I will be back online in about a week...til then, I also send my prayers and good wishes to all of you who are also scheduled and look forward to chatting about our experiences !

See you over the rainbow!!

AVR, Wednesday, June 18th , 2008
It will go more quickly than you think, and it will go much better than you fear. They keep you busy filling out the same forms over and over again until it's suddenly time to go.

If they use a lip-clip for the tube, ask them to use tape instead. You'll avoid an unnecessary fat lip.

When you wake up, just think about the fact that you woke up. That will keep you in a pretty good mood if you really think about it.

Have someone bring a small pad and pen. If you wake up with the tube in, you can communicate. The tube doesn't hurt, and won't gag you. You breathe through it all during thte surgery: it's your friend.

You might want to ask for patient-controlled fentanyl instead of morphine. Tends to leave you less groggy and may ward off morphine constipation.

Do well. We'll be waiting to hear from you when you get back.

Best wishes,
Your going to be back on your feet before you know it. Best of luck tomorrow, looking forward to reading about your experience and perspective. Its amazing how you feel emotionally, spiritually once your through it. Phyiscally you feel like crud but you will look past that, I think most people ultimately do and focus on recovery.