It's Crazy Dales Birthday!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Happy birthday you young fart! Now I know I'm older then dirt and twice as mean.

Hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy many more in the years ahead. :)
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday



I hope you are having a Very Special Day and many more to come.
Take Care
Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you all for the warm wishes, and for the ongoing support in spite of my "absence." So far I've had a pretty good birthday: 1) Yesterday, my mommy cooked a duck breast for dinner and baked my favorite cake (German chocolate), which I got to take home with me, 2) My wife and kids gave me a bunch of great stuff, including a Nike heart-rate monitor & watch combo, 3) I got to leave work early today, 4) My wife had a cheesecake waiting for me when I got back from my son's soccer practice, 5) My in laws have called and/or sent cards and, last but not least, 6) My friends at VR remembered and sent me messages. If I play my cards right, later this evening I'll have something to contribute to the "Sex is good for your heart" thread. :D
dwfreck said:
If I play my cards right, later this evening I'll have something to contribute to the "Sex is good for your heart" thread. :D
Dale sorry old buddy, but didn't you get the memo? Sex ended at 35. You no longer qualify for this benefit. :D
Happy Birthday Dale. Glad to hear you've been enjoying it...... and please....... just ignore Ross! ;)

All the best
Anna : )
I asked my husband if he didn't get bored getting the same birthday present year in and year out. :eek: