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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Northwest, IL
Hi Everyone,

I believe the last time I posted my friend Carols father had died. I had copied what everyone had posted and brought them to her. She did remarkably well with holding up! She had wanted to be able to post on the thread herself and thank everyone for your condolences but she doesn't really know how to navigate the site, so she was going to come here and I was going to show her how. The last two months have slipped by without us ever getting the opportunity so she asked me to tell you all Thank You very much.

I've been trying to read the posts occasionally even though I haven't had time to post. This summer has not been a good one and from reading the posts it hasn't been a very good one for a lot of people.

As I mentioned on Corts thread a friend of mine had passed away two weeks ago from a rare type of liver cancer. They found he had a 100 malignant tumors in his liver They discovered it in February. His wife never gave up hope though a they tried drug after drug to try to prevent it from speading. We watched him go downhill quite rapidly.

The following Monday my neighbors (my boss and friend Diana's ) brother Doug went into the VA hospital to have a tumor removed from his kidney. It was malignant but the doctors think they got it all. So he's sore of course but stable.

That Wednesday, we went to the memorial for Ken, went up to the hospital to see her brother and then............

That Wednesday night. my neighbor Diana fell and broke her ankle. It pulled out of the socket. She was screaming my name and luckily I heard her screaming. I called 911 She broke 27 bones in all in her foot. They operated that Thursday afternoon.

So now here she is in the hospital and her brothers in the hospital. She has two dogs and two cats. I ended up staying home a few days to tend to whatever help she needed in the hospital and at home. The dogs of course are the biggest demand. I brought her home from the hospital last Saturday and I've had to try and manitain my hosehold and hers, plus going back to work on Tuesday.

As I mentioned she's my boss and it appears I will now be taking on some of her responsibilities as well at work, since of course I don't think she'll be back for a few months.

So okay, I'm partially venting! It's been a heck of a couple of weeks. My own nerves are getting unraveled at times, over the demands of two people that can't move around very well.

The silver lining was my sister reminding me that when I had OHS, I too wasn't the easiest person to take care of, especially in the beginning. She was reminding me that I needed to have patience as she did with me. I remember when I couldn't even get my own socks on, and those special socks. I was so frustrated when my sister couldn't get them on me straight!

I know this too will pass, but of course to me it feels like it takes all of my energy to get everything done between their house and mine.

I will now try to respond to some posts. There was one I wanted to respond to but I see it was closed. All I was going to say is I ditto whole heartedly what Perry, Gina, Betty and the others have said in a nutshell!

Good Job Hank! May we keep this site going! God Bless!

You've had quite a summer, too, my dear Lorraine.

Definitely sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. As so many have said recently, it's never easy.

My best friend died at age 15 in 1987...from an asthma attack, 9 months after my then-recent open heart surgery, March 1987. Just goes to show you never know.

Sorry also to hear about the other trials/tribulations you are enduring right now. But, I know you are strong :). Things will get better! Yeah, a cliche, but a good one here, I do believe....

Cort, "Mr MC"/"Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'76/'79/'81/'87 & train & models =
Spotting MCs =
Bless your heart!

Bless your heart!

I became exhausted just reading your post. You have had a very tough summer!!! You are an incredibly compassionate woman to take on the burden of caring for your friend and her brother..............I hope that at some point they realize how truly lucky they are to have you. Please don't jeapordize your own health, though, by totally wearing yourself out. You won't be much good to anyone if you get sick or, worse yet, end up in the hospital yourself. Haha! I can speak from experience............. (Just for grins, try passing out in the PICU in a children's hospital sometime! :D It took them twenty minutes just to find an adult-sized blood pressure cuff to take my blood pressure!!! In the meantime, they are wanting to transport me on a gurney across the street to a general hospital - I declined their generous offer!)

Anyway, not to make light of your situation, but please don't overdo it. I pray you get some relief soon. Take care and God bless..........
Cort: I thank you!

No, death is never easy. I've endured so many deaths in my lifetime. I just learned that I have to accept it and move on. I can't change it. The worst one I had to endure was finding my husband dead in my basement. That was almost 34 years ago. Time keeps moving forward thoguh, and I knew that so must I!

Yes, I know in time, things will get better. . She has realized that she can't put the burden on me all the time, so she has been asking other neighbors to help out with some stuff.

Kate: Yes, I am a very caring person and if someone needs help, I'm there if I can be. I believe she does know how lucky she is that I'm there for her and her brother. She keeps saying "What would she have done if I didn't live next store" I have tried to make her realize though, that I can't be at her house all the time, when I'm not work. I need to get my own things done and also get some R&R!

I do understand what you mean about not running myself down. That's what made me realize I too need a little down time! No, I don't want to end up in the hospital! You passed out? No kidding! Yeah I can imagine them trying to put a kiddie cuff on you! :D :D ! Thanks for your wisdom!

I did already tell my neighbor, boss, friend that I will be at a Corn Roast on Saturday and would not be available to walk dogs, etc., Hey, I have to get in some fun.
Lorraine, my goodnes you have been through it. Enough is enough. You need a great big "hug." Also you will be in my prayers.
Hey. Lorraine. I expressed this on Cort's previous post too, but let me say my thoughts are with you. You've had more than your share of hardship and sadness.