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Hi everyone,
Sorry I have been away for so long. I have been lurking around for a while but not posting. I have been having a most major pity party. I had a real hard time dealing with my surgery and facing the fact that I had come through my greatest fear. I had nightmares for the longest time. I finally got back to work and guess what. I was back a month and right out of the blue I got fired. I have been doing this business for 22 years and had no idea what was coming. So needless to say, I was really knocked for a loop. Georgia is a hire at will state so employers are not required to have a reason for letting someone go. I find it interesting that it happened so soon after my return. I have hired an attorney who thinks I have a good case under ERISA. The organization I worked for only had 5 employees so they are not covered by the ADA, or other federal protections. Funny thing is...I am healthier now than I have been in the last few years.

I was very depressed when this first happened but I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason. I will find a job and I know that I will be better off.

I will try and do better in my participation on the forum. You all have been so good to me and I really do appreciate you.

I think of you often and haven't written and hounded you, because I've watched you lurk, so I knew you were around.

Carla I wish I had the cure all answers to the feelings you've had and still have. Sadly, I don't. All I can do is act like a clown and hope to bring a smile to your face.

The job thing-That wasn't coincidence, they knew what they were doing and most likely premeditated on it before you got back. Same thing happened to a buddy of mine. He's suing them and so far, looks like he's going to win big time. Companies don't like us when we get sick and use insurance benefits. Doesn't matter if were fixed now or not, they only see dollar signs, not people. I hope your case proves as fruitful as my friends does. He's so tickled that he went and bought himself a new minivan. He had nothing to drive for over a year and a half. He lost his truck when he lost his job (Repo'd).

Things will get brighter in time. It seems like it'll never happen and then one day, POOF, your back in the saddle bigger, badder, and better then ever. ;)
Welcome back, Carla - it's good to see you. Sometimes life hands us a lemon and we have no choice but make that lemonade. I bet, like Ross, they had it figured out before you got back - the insurance thing, you know. You go, Carla and I wish you well in your suit. I didn't realize there were still states who can do this sort of thing. Georgia is so progressive, it's a surprise. Dang. :mad:
Hi Carla-

Good to see you back, but not good for all you've been through.

Just an idea for possible employment. Competitors LOVE to hire newly fired employees in the same field. Might like to go knocking on their doors. Keep those positive thoughts. You have your health and it sounds as if you're in a lot better shape than before. You would be a great asset if you market yourself correctly, especially if you seek employment immediately. 22 years is a long time and a lot of expertise in one field.

As far as the nightmares go, I believe a lot of people have them after many kinds of surgeries. I had some after my hysterectomy. I think it's a flash-back kind of thing from the anesthesia. They were dark and scary. They do use some strange stuff to make you unconscious. Lots of people here have reported hallucinations for a couple of weeks after heart surgery.
Good to see your lovely avatar-face once again. So sorry to hear about your job. I agree, sounds like a bit too much of a coincidence. I hope that you find you have some recourse. But try to compartmentalize it and not let it crowd out the good things that can happen to you now that your body is newly remodeled!
Thanks everyone for the kind replies and encouragement. I am trying very hard not to let this job thing get me down. I have contacted all the other disability groups here in Atlanta and let them know I am available, but no one has an opening right now. I have a lot of skills so I have focused my new resume on the skills I have and I am sending it to businesses I think need those skills. I love working in the disability field, I have truly been blessed to have met so many truly wonderful people over the years.

I am feeling really good physically now and I am determined not to let the Ba-----s get me down. I've fought alligators for years on behalf of others and now I will do it for me.

Carla Quote: "I am feeling really good physically now and I am determined not to let the Ba-----s get me down. I've fought alligators for years on behalf of others and now I will do it for me."

That's it Carla...That's exactly it...Go get 'em!
Carla I know just how you feel. I lost my job after my boss found out I had kidney cancer. He had seen me go through breast cancer the year before. He just wasn't happy with me being out so long again. Really he forced me to quit. I know he had that in his mind all along the way. He was making things so miserable for me, overloading me, expecting so much more from me in a eight hour day, that I had no choice. I happy with my decision now but at the time I was devastated. Just this year I got on Social Security Disability, so things are working out okay. We are getting by. My old boss would have blown a gasket knowing I was going to develope leukemia and have to have AVR in the future. Good luck on your law pursuit. I thought about it, but I worked for a major newspaper and I figured there was no way I could win. I didn't have the money or the strength to fight them. I sincerely believe what goes around comes around. He may not pay for this in this life, but someday he will pay.

It was great hearing from you - even with both good and bad news. Glad that you are feeling well (have been wondering about you) but sad to hear about your job situation.

EVERYTHING happens for a reason and we have to look at the lesson in something and go from there. I don't blame you for contesting the firing, though. I would, also. What is this old world coming to - we put money way before people any more.

Keep on keeping on and don't let things get you down - try to keep positive as much as possible!

Christina L.

Sorry to hear about your job loss. Your former boss must be a real idiot!

I believe that things always work out. May not seem that way at the time I've going through some distress, but it's always proven to turn out that way.

Do something good to boost your spirits when they get low -- watch a new movie, go for a walk, read a book, visit with friends that give you warm fuzzies when you're around them, visit the rest of us at
I learned that when I was in group counseling in the early 1980s; sure has been a lifesaver over the years since then.
out of everything bad comes something good...

out of everything bad comes something good...

hi carla!
i haven't been on much either lately and was sorry to hear that you had such a difficult time.
i agree with marsha in that i believe that all things happen for a reason. it may take some time to learn what that reason is/was, but in the end it usually turns out alright.
take this time to relax a bit and enjoy your time. good luck with the lawsuit.
and, above all, this is such a wonderful family, we should both make more effort to
wishing you all the best and i'm so glad you're feeling better.
stay well, sylvia
Sorry to hear about your job. I can relate because after my surgery, I was doing really well. I didn't experience any depression until this past week when I learned that I am also in danger of losing my job. Like you, I have been back to work just over a month, and out of nowhere, I'm told that I'm not doing my job and I have 60 days to get all these things done. My employer acts like I've just taken a 3 month vacation instead of heart surgery. I just wanted to say, "Of course I haven't been doing my job, I haven't been here for 3 freakin' months..." On top of that, they already let go my full time assistant so I have to take on her workload too. I'm trying not to stress too much and just do what I can do, because, like you, I agree that everything happens for a reason and things will work out for the best. Good luck to you.
I like your attitude girl! This is not what any of us would have wanted for you, but it's clear you'll find a way to move forward and not get hung up in all this. Good luck!

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