It's a date!!

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Greetings to all....
Well, upon the last visit to my cardiologist, he told me it was time to get that darn valve replaced (and I thought I'd have a few more years before I had to do it). He sent me to the surgeon and we've set the date for 17Jan05.
At first my attitude was something on the order of "well, ok..let's just go ahead, what the heck." However, in the cool light of reflection, I think I am in need of Valium now. Every day (and night) has thoughts of the procedure and how my fiance (who has been absolutely the best thing in my life) will get through it while I'm out like a light. Now, I am normally a very upbeat kind of guy but this is way beyond anything I've ever even imagined-heck, I've never even had my tonsils out!
I'm sure the surgeon is top notch-he's been doing this about 20 years, and the hospital is a medical center in upstate New York so I'm fairly certain that it is top shelf..but still those thoughts seem to intrude into my mind more and more each passing day.
It is comforting to read the posts here about others in similar situations, knowing I'm not the only one going through something like this. The suggestions and words have been a help already! Thanks to all who have taken the time to make their experiences known. It is appreciated!
Well congratulations. I know it probably doesn't seem like something to be congratulated on, but hey, just getting a date is good news.

I wish I could tell you that those feelings you have will go away. They will, but not until one or two days before surgery. It doesn't matter how many times you've been through it, the feelings are exactly the same. Best thing to do now is try to not obsess over it and enjoy the next couple weeks doing things you want to do. Live it up and live it out.

It's no walk in the park, but it's not as bad as your imagination is making it either. Kind of in between. You'll do well. You have some tenacity left. :)
Hi TechGuy!

It's just been a month since my aortic valve replacement, so I have been where you are -- very recently! I went through the same fear and panic you're experiencing and it finally gave way to total peace a few days before my surgery. This seems to be the norm on this board. Most everybody reports a sense of calm and peace when the time finally comes.

What is amazing to me, and, honest, this IS the truth, is that the head and neck MRI I had the day before my OHS was worse than the surgery. It was absolutely horrible and the longest hour of my life. So I hope you're not having one of those! If so, I have NO words of encouragement for you!

But I do have encouraging words about your heart surgery. It was not nearly as bad as I had expected. Had I not come down with a terrible non-stop cough at one week post-op, my recovery would have been a piece of cake. Thankfully my cough is finally better and I feel great. The pain was never too bad, (except for when I was coughing), even in the hospital. All in all, I am shocked at how relatively easy this surgery was. I had much more trouble and pain from a hysterectomy last year!

So keep reading this forum and know that you are not alone. A ton of us have already gone through it and there's a bunch more in the waiting room with you. The vast majority of us post-surgery folks had no problems at all and were pleasantly surprised at how fast it was over and how soon we were feeling great.

You're in my prayers for a successful surgery and for that wonderful sense of peace to envelope you soon.

You'll do great!

Ross, Kay...thanks for the kind words! I'm sure many have been through what I'm going through-thats why this is such a great place to visit and get some solace! Nice to know others have "been there and done that" without too much of a hassle.
Sorry to hear about your coughing spell, Kay-that had to have been unbearable for you. Of all the times to come down with a about bad timing!
Again thanks for the kind words and goes a long way here in the chilly north of NY. :)
Lucky 17, you'll do just fine. :)

Quoting Tom Petty once again "The way ya ting is the har dest part." (sung, not read!) I only had a week to wait once I got a date and I feel fortunate. I didn't have much time to think. Use this time to make sure you have the things you'll need. And get the things done that might take a back seat after surgery - bill paying! as well as other things.

A little over 19 days to a new and improved YOU!


I too am one month from surgery. I just got back from a 3 mile ( half uphill) walk and I have not felt this good in a long time.

The anticipation is the worst part. Remember, the goal of each and every individual in that hospital is to make you as comfortable as possible and they do it every day. If you need something pre or post surgery.......ask.

My biggest dilema was how to get some sleep. It gets a little noisy sometimes at night ( especially if you are not in a private room).

Keep your attitude on the positive side too. I think it helps. The great thing is this is something that CAN be fixed and lead to a better life.
I am 6 months post-op. I found out in March that I was to have surgery, and I scheduled it for June, so I had quite a long time to think about it. Finding this site helped so much. I to experienced that peace and calmness a few days before surgery. I was just ready to have it over with and on the other side. The surgery and recovery are not unbearable. I was surprised at how it just wipes you out. You tire easily at first. At 3 weeks post-op I started cardiac rehab. That was the best thing for me. I am so glad that I had the surgery. I attributed a lot of my shortness of breath to being out of shape, and getting older, but I am now able to walk, talk, and eat without being short of breath. I feel great. I had acouple of choking spells here over the holidays, so I am alittle sore in the chest from coughing so much, but nothing to complain about. After surgery I didn't have to cough or sneeze for 3 weeks. That was nice.

Try to stay positive, and think on the good that this surgery will do for you. Prayer, my family and this site helped me through it all. All will go well.
early April 2005

early April 2005

is probably my date with the butcher!

I went through worries and semi sleepless nights already (let alone my wife!!). I'm currently trying to develop a more relaxed attitiude towards the procedure, ie "get in there", "get it done" and "recover" - end of conversation. It helps (at least for the moment).

ar bee
I'm going in in the next week or so too

I'm going in in the next week or so too

Good luck. This seems like a popular time for surgery. My heart muscle is being damaged by the severity of the leak I've had for so long.

Wish I had had it done a year ago.

All the best to you and your family.

David Cross

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