It's 2002

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Well it's been 2002 in Australia for a few hours (Hi Gerry) and now in UK and Ireland as well.

Hope all our Scottish brothers and sisters are sticking to the two drink limit - I don't think so. And Gillian and Jonothan and others across the small pond, watch those hangovers.

The fireworks are 'exploding' as I write, sounds more like Afghanistan than Ireland right now but those bangs used to be a lot louder round these parts, thankfully they appear to have gone.

May 2002 bring y'all peace, prosperity and good health and to all my good friends on a good one.

Look forward to meeting many more of you in Vegas.
Happy New year Billy!!!

Hope this year brings you and everyone on the site, joys and wonders. Life is such an adventure!

I played in a band last night, got in only a few hours ago. Sleep was not my friend, but.. I know I have many here. NOw... time to shake the cobwebs out of this head and enjoy the day!

Happy New Year Ya'll... make it a good one... only you can.....


ps.. Billy.. what key was that in????? I sure hope it was the same as the rest of the band!
Happy 2002

Happy 2002

Wishing everyone of you good friends a healthy and peaceful 2002. May the horror of 9-11 ease, but the love and fellowship so many of us have found continue to grow around the world. God bless us all.
Billy, I just re-read your post above and think I missed something this morning. My children, their spouses, one grandson and a little great grandchild were here so lots was going on. Question. Are you saying that there is peace in Ireland, or at least more peace in Ireland these days? If so, then that is wonderful. The "new war" takes all our news for the last few months, we just don't get as much overseas news as we used to. Please bring us up to date. God bless
Relative peace

Relative peace

Yes Hensylee - The events of September have sorta taken over the airwaves and little ole N. Ireland has been given a back seat.

We have a ceasefire here now which basically means that bombs are fewer and much further apart. Smaller terrorist factions still go on their nightly rituals of terror, but this is mainly in Belfast.

The Government is trying to put legislation in place to keep everybody happy and if that happens then there is hope for the future. In the meantime I think it is fair to say that we have peace, however uneasy it may be.

It may surprise you to know that your events of September 2001 had a big influence on our peace process. Before Mr Bin came along, your Government was 'interested' in us, but we were nowhere near the top of the priority list as y'all didn't fully understand the effects of terrorism.

The sudden realisation of the truth, and the resulting announcements that USA was now totally opposed to terrorist activities anywhere in the world, made the extremists on both sides sit up, take notice and rethink.

Suddenly the supply of dollars was outlawed and when three Irish terrorists were discovered in Colombia, Mr Bush was quick to announce that he was not 'amused.'

Your tragedy did have a profound effect - it was not all in vain.

On 01/01/02 we have a little extra hope for a brighter future.

God Bless (what's left of) Northern Ireland
I certainly remember the cease fire agreement, but we didn't think it would work. We discussed it at the time here in VR. Remember? I do hope that now Ireland will continue to grow in peaceful ways every day. Breaking any habit requires constant maintenance and I do believe that Ireland folks who terrorize are habited to violence and they don't think there's any other way. And now that we have had such devastation here, along with determined governments in many countries, perhaps eventually peace can be an everyday occurrence - for us all. God bless