It,s over and I am still here. Surgery on the 19th.

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Active member
Aug 2, 2011
Had a rough time, just came to the floor a littler earlier. Due to my back/neck injury i had to be awake for intubation by flourascope. Took forever and many many attempts, not fun. I am having most pain in my back/neck. Anybody know anthing about how to relieve this pain? I can only have tylenol for pain because of sedative effect and breathing. I am trying to get a cosult for pt or pain or both. Will write more another day
Very happy you are safely 'over the mountain' and sorry you had to experience another layer most of us sleep through. Hopefully they will manage your pain.

I found moist heating pad helped me a lot for shoulder/neck pain. My nurse kept one under my shoulder a full night and felt much better in the morning.

All best wishes for smooth recovery. You've been through a hard time.
So happy to read that you are now on the other side but so sad to know that you have so much pain to contend with. As if your patched sterum wasn't enough!!!

I hope they can manage your pain soon so that you be more comfortable. The only thing I can suggest, but you've probably already have, is to have an extra pillow underneath your knees. I have a very weak back & whenever I've gone in for procedures where I have to lay on my back for prolonged periods, I'll ask them for a pillow to relieve the ache.

Hope you start feeling better soon!
I didn't have the energy to get on a computer and leave a post here for 5 days! I'm not attempting to minimize your discomfort, but congratulations on getting through, and by some measures at least, you are doing very well. Complain more about the pain. I'm not sure why they can't give you something stronger than Tylenol.
The back and neck pains are about the only pains I remember from my surgery and hopefully they will subside for you soon. They put me on a rubber mattress and circulated ice cold water thru it for my pain. I doubt they still use that medival practice. I think, and hope, that the back discomfort will soon've got the hard part behind you:thumbup:
Glad to see you're back and posting, OLDLADY! I know the first days are a fog, and they are apt to be a bit unpleasant, but it does turn around rather quickly and you will feel like participating in life soon. We'll be here for you, so post when ready.
I've said this before and I'll say it again the first 2.5 days in the ICU for me were BAD! Beside feeling very unsure of myself on my feet, my mental state was not good. Not too many people could tell but I was going through hell in my mind. I don't know why it was so bad for me but it was. I truly thought I was losing my mind. It was a feeling I thought wouldn't end. It was truly a fight, I had faith that things would get better but it was a battle. I don't mean to make it sound like I was hopeless but I'm trying to describe the battle, part of the time I'm confessing the Truth of the Gospel in my mind and the other part of the time I didn't think I was going to make it. Did things magically get better a week later... NO, it got better for me but it is subtle change. Here I am 3 months after and I'm feeling pretty good, for me there was never a magic morning where I woke up and felt amazing, it has just been slow recovery physical and mental. KEEP STRONG AND PUSH FORWARD EVEN IF IT FEELS IN VAIN BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS, ITS NOT IN VAIN, YOU WILL GET BETTER YOU WILL GET YOUR LIFE BACK!
Thanks for the responses and words of encouragement. I spent 2.5 days in ICU as well and don't really remember much about after surgery Wed. or thur. Finally was extubated on Fri. I was having vertigo and could not keep my eyes open so was very nauseaus. Once I gave in, held my eyes open I had some bile emesis and instantly felt better. Then I was taken to step down where I had issues with neck/back pain. Don't get me wrong the incision burned and was/is sore but the other pain was hard to control with just tylenol. I requested a heating pad,an ice bag and my family provided many back rubs which helped. Then ultram and toradol were added which really helped. I had to stay away from any narcotics because of sensitivity problems.I also last night I developed a sensitivity to odors and that made me feel sick all over again. Anyone experience this? Got a lot of sinus drainage which causes coughing, OUCH!The folks at CC were all great. I am glad CC and Dr. Petterrson were my choice for my mini moo avr.
Hi Oldlady,

I spent two and a half days in ICU following my AVR surgery last week (10/17) and can say it was hell for me as well. I had severe neck pain that was somewhat relieved by heat and rubbing and nausea to just about anything I tried to swallow as well. I have really found that the more I was able to sit up and do my breathing exercises, the bettter I felt overall. I had sinus draing too leading to coughing (yes - OUCH!). What helped me on that was getting me on alergy meds - Allegra in my case.

Hope you get to feeling better.

DanielB, your situation sounds like mine fromthe neck pain to nausea, etc. And I too spent much time out of bed in a chair. This drainage is driving me nuts. I am so sore I can hardly make a decent cough. My husband just went and got me a humidifier to see if it will help.We are heading home to Ga tomorrow (by car) if anyone has any good traveling/coping ideas they are welcome.
Hi Old Lady,

So glad to hear everything went well with your surgery.
Sorry to hear that you have to also deal with some other issues that are further ccomplicating your recovery.
Hopefully that will all get sorted out, and you will mend quickly.

Those CC folks and Dr Pettersson are really amazing folks.

All in all I think I am doing well. I start the day out pretty good but at the end of the day I am tired and sore from the coughing. I did see my PTP today and he prescribed something for the cough. The left side of my chest is more sore/sensitive than the right and my back still aches. I am not sleeping real well and go back and forth from the bed to the recliner trying to get comfortable. Also I have found that I stay cold and at times can't seem to get warm. How long before the pain/discomfort related to the incision clears up? I guess it will help once my cough clears up. Thanks for the replys