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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
Monday morning I pre-medicated (2000mg Amoxicillian) for my dental appt. I didn't eat anything all day until after the numbness wore off which about 7pm or so. Went to bed feeling great and woke up the next day feeling the same. That night I had a sandwich for dinner followed by the worst stomach ache I have ever had. I immediately went to bed. Woke up the next day with it and now with every meal I have a horrid stomach ache. I put up with it all day yesterday as it came and went but then after dinner last night It has only gotten worse. I was in the fetal position for about 3 hours until I finally went to sleep and then when I woke up the pain was still there. I am also spitting a little pink in the sink. This stomach ache is the WORST stomach ache I have ever had. Did the Antibiotics upset my belly so bad that its bleeding?? I called the Doctor and of course its "go to the hospital". I have no insurance and I am about 1/2 million in the hole from my open heart surgery without insurance already. I had a gastro Doc put a scope down my throat months back to bleeding but they found nothing. Any thoughts......anyone? Thank You in advance.
Hayley- I know you don't want to hear it, but I think you ought to get yourself to the hospital to be checked out. I wouldn't assume the stomach ache and the blood is coming from the antibiotic- it could be any number of things. Please go and let us know how you make out.

Hi Hayley! Here you go again, huh? Sorry 'bout that!:(

I Googled "amoxicillin stomach pain blood" and got lots of hits. Apparently , stomach/abdominal pain is a known side effect of amoxicillin. It seems it's only a worry if it long does it have to go on to be persisting??? Did your last bout coincide with taking amoxicillin? If it did and it seemed to subside on its own I think I would try a few doses of something like Mylanta--something that coats the tummy--not Tums or anything like that--and see if that gives immediate relief. If it doesn't I'd head for the hospital. If it does I'd start taking Pepcid AC for a few days until everything's back to normal. I went through a bout of stomach trouble this summer and that was what I was told to do and it helped enormously. The way I described the pain was that it felt like a little guy was in my stomach with a blow torch (seriously). It hurt something awful, but I had no blood. Then again I'm not on Coumadin, so my bleeding threshold may be higher.

Good luck!
What are your stools like. (Isn't that a delicate question?) If they are dark or black you need to consider bleeding. If they aren't, it doesn't mean you aren't bleeding, but the chances are less. I wouldn't procrastinate too long, if the pain continues.

What was your dental work? Is it possible the pink in your spit is from drainage?
Any fever? Sounds to me like it may be appendicitis. In any event, the hospital for you young lady.
Feeling so much better.

Feeling so much better.

I appreciate all of your input and thought I would just try the Mylanta cocktails (had 3 thankyou) as my last resort. I must say I feel much better (I know its just a bandaid for now) although I still have some belly pain. I will just wait and see how today goes. I just wonder though about my appt. in 2 weeks to have the permanant crown put on. They want me to take the same pre-meds. I will eat and eat before that dose FOR SURE! Thanks for listening and helping...I appreciate it greatly!:) If I still feel icky this p.m. I will seek medical frustration I mean attention. Thanks!:eek:
If you are reacting so to the penicillin, do you think there is maybe an alternative anti. for your next procedure?
Just a thought....
Hope you feel better ;)