Hey all!! It is finally me!! I'm still in the hospital, they are trying to get my my INR down. I have a Onyx size 33... They did a full sternoctomy (sp) I will get to go home tomorrow or Tuesday. I want to Thank you all!!! You are the best as i have mentioned before. John has spent every night with me and my brother has been here all day and leaves in at night to sleep at my house, I am Blessed that is for sure. They has a pain pump in me that they took out yesterday I didn't reallize it helped so much but found out last night that it was.. I do believe the nasuea was from 2 percosets and all the other meds on an empy stomach. Now i'm taking darvocet because i know it doesn't make me puky and I'm taking 2 every 4 hours. Cant wait to get home but I do want my INR right and them not send me home too early. Ive been wallking around and meeting all the others waliking along!! I haven't felt like being on the computer much yet or the phone, But I enjoy John reading the posts to me and he was great to write for me, he did keep losing what he wrote and that wasnt a good thing LOL. I will post and share more as my energy goes up. I'm so glad to seee everyone esle that had surgery last week and the week before is doing good. I will post again soon!!!