Sherry -
Sherry -
I am glad you were placed on a BP medicine. I hope it works well for you with no side effects.
Thanks for the advice on the BP cuffs. I bought one yesterday at a local drug store. I spent $100.00 on mine - it is automatic and also gives my pulse rate. I am obsessed with it so far. I don't like what I see with my BP. My diastolic pressure is most certainly going up.
Yesterday in the cardio's office, my BP when first taken was 118/86. My cardiologist told me to get a home cuff and keep a record of my BPs for two months and to come back and see him. He said it is rather concerning if my diastolic is going up. Funny, I don't think he would have said anything about my BP if I wouldn't have said something to him.
This cardio is also the one who after my echo last November showing right possible heart enlargement, told me to come back in a year. I have since found out on my own that I have hypothyroidism and mild sleep apnea - definite possible causes of right heart enlargment (if my right heart is truly enlarging).
My husband told me again after my appointment yesterday that I need to get a new cardiologist - one who will talk to me (I need a doctor who will schmooz). This cardio wants to do a BNP next time which is the blood test to check for heart failure. He said he wanted to get this test for other reasons and that I am surely not in heart failure, but....what is the reason then for the test?
Needless to say, as usual, I left his office and now am worrying again. However, this cardio did say that wearing a CPAP machine or oxygen should put a stop to the heart enlargement and apnea spells. He also used the term pulmonary hypertension for the first time and said I probably have PH when the apnea spells happen. All this time this group of cardios have been telling me I absolutely do not have PH.
Thank God for the internet (at times) - if it weren't for my own investigative work, my heart might have continued to enlarge and maybe had some damage done.
Anyway, HBP is a byproduct of sleep apnea and HBP also can cause heart enlargement in itself. I have a feeling that I may be being put on a BP medicine soon. As I said it runs in our family also and I know for a fact that if a person takes their medicine religiously and follows a GOOD doctor's orders, they will lead a long normal life.
Melissa - I know you sent me a personal E-mail but I didn't ask you about your HBP and what the doc said about that. I only asked about your thyroid. Do you need medication for your HBP?
Christina L