Isis is Home from Surgery

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2007
Florida, USA
Hi All,
I had the AVR on 9/11/07. Got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, 9/16. Everything seems to have gone to plan and now have a new on-x.

Have been feeling pretty wiped out yesterday and today. Started the warfarin last Wednesday, hopefully that's not what is causing the fatigue.
Have really not slept much since the surgery; a lot of activity in the hospital with all the nurses coming in and out 24 hours a day doing their jobs. Only got about 2 hours of sleep last night at home; kept moving from the sofa to the recliner trying to get comfortable.

Not too cheery of a report.... but it's not all that bad:eek: and I expect to improve once I settle into a consistent walking, napping and eating plan.

Congratulations, Isis, on making it over the mountain apparently very, very well. Happy to hear you are home and hope you settle into a pattern and routine that will allow you the rest you need.

Please keep us up to date on how you are doing.

All the very best wishes to you.
It's not the warfarin that is causing your fatigue. It's the fact that you JUST HAD OHS 6 days ago!!!!! Wait a few weeks, and then see what you feel like! I expect there will be a world of difference.
Welcome come and to the other side of the mountain. It's still early in your recovery so feeling "wiped out" is perfectly normal. It'll get better with time. Best wishes for a smooth recovery.
Welcome Home and Blessings

Welcome Home and Blessings

Welcome to the other side of the moutain :D Wow, it's great being able to say that finally myself.
CONGRATS, Iris, on making it over the mountain :).

Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"I can't stay on your morfeine, cause it's making me itch" ... Pink ... 'Just Like A Pill'
You Bring Me Joy

You Bring Me Joy

Isis, I am very happy to read your post! Every time we can welcome a member to this side of the mountain is a victory! Sorry you don't feel better, but amazed you are even able to post such a clear report. Maybe they've changed the drugs, or maybe it's just me, but my mind was scrambled for at least a couple of weeks. The energy thing takes time. It is different for each of us, but I didn't feel energetic for at least two months. Luckily my then girlfriend took it upon herself to get me back in shape. After three months I was jogging three times a week, and even downhill skiing. Give yourself time! Get signed up for cardio rehab if you can. Keep us posted for how you're feeling. All the best, Brian
Great News!

Great News!

Hi Isis:

So glad to hear you're home. You and my MIL both had surgery the same day! Hope you can finally get some rest now that you're out of the hospital. Best wishes for your continued recovery:) ...

Terry Scott
Isis, you are doing very well....I used to lie down for 1 hour before lunch and 1 hour before dinner. Sitting up all day was tiring. Sleeping flat out on my back has become the norm, you'll get used to what works for you. Some people sleep better after taking a Tylenol.
I think the best advice I got was that when you have a bad day, a better one is right around the corner.
You will notice improvements every week.
Best wishes.:)
I'm glad you're home, Isis, and what you're reporting sounds much like I felt after my replacement. My pain was the worst the day after I returned home, and I was tired beyond belief for several weeks. Finally JimL told me I should be napping . . . I took his advice, and the rest of the recovery was downhill.:)
Welcome to the other side

Welcome to the other side

Glad to hear everything is good. Time, time, time and prayer will heal all.
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the encouraging words. I feel much better now. I think it was the 1 hour car ride home Sunday; and activity on Monday with seeing the cadio, and blood tests. I actually feel pretty good now; I'll need to hold myself back from doing too much too soon. Just had another blood test for the INR and hope to get the dosage tuned in within the next week.

I made it through the week in the hopital just fine but my computer harddrive died while I was gone. I ordered another computer yesterday but it will not arrive for about 2 weeks, so I will not be posting as much as I'd like to the site.

But everything is going great now; the aortia on-x is very quite, I hardly ever hear it ....that's cool:cool:
