Is this normal?

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
My wife and I are in the Panhandel of FL, Looking at property and walking on the beach. We were 4 days from closing on a place here when I discovered I needed surgery. We backed out and are now looking again. I am wondering I am 10 weeks post op and feel great. I am so thankful this was found and fixed. Almost every time I think about it and how lucky I am I strat getting a little teary eyed from thankfulness and feel a little gulty at the same time because of the problems of so many here. Is this normal or am I just a little wierd. I need to get my hip replaced now and plan to have that done the first part of Dec. Before the heart surgery I was afraid of the hip surgery now I can't wait to get it done.
I don't think it is. When they mess with your heart, they mess with the gateway to the soul, so anything that touches that is bound to have an impact.
we have often talked about our freelings after heart surgery and so many feel differently about things than we did before. more tender feelings, more understanding and tolerant of others, etc. much more appreciate of our lives, actually.

welcome to the panhandle. Bill is in Pensacola; I am in DeFuniak. It's really nice at this time of year.
I also would get teary out of gratitude for what my surgeon did. However, I am not of the opinion that the heart is the gateway to the soul. It's just that it is such a major organ that when I think of someone going in and cutting it up and repairing it, I find it awesome!!
Of course you're normal. You were forced to confront your mortality in a way that most of the population never does. Obviously, I am the mom of the patient and it even affected me the same way. I actually consider it one of the silver linings to all of Brian's troubles. I will never again take life for granted. I am also a little better about living for today instead of always planning for the future.
Thanks to all.
We are in Ft Walton Beach this week. We have vacationed here in the panhandel usually Destin since we discovered it my first tour of duty in 1971. We also like Gulf Shores ,AL. We have been looking at property the last few days in Ft Walton Beach, Destin, Mary Ester and Navarre. Just trying to find the best deal for a winter home. I have a cousin at Niceville and her son used to own a glass place in Defuniack Spings. Great part of the country. White sand beaches here in the panhandel that are a cut above any where else in the world.
I think it is quite normal; as has been said, we face our own mortality in a very real way. However, if it goes on for a while, and if you stop doing things you once enjoyed, see a doctor. Depression is very common with heart surgery, and can be helped.
It may or may not be the gateway to your soul but open heart surgery certainly knocks that gate off it's hindges for a while, leaving a hair trigger on your emotions and a whole new slant on life.
I went from a lifetime of near perfect health and a feeling I'd live forever to the reality of knowing I wont live for ever, but strangely not being too worried about dying either ?
Something about being knocked out for that big operation and knowing nothing about it and realising that dying must be exactly the same as going to sleep, and I love going to sleep !
But yes I think you're completely normal ... It's a massive thing to have ohs. Emotionally I've been all over the place since mine. The future has changed for me, my plans have changed and my limitations have changed. I'm not coping at all well, truth be known ... That's why I've decided to cycle, day in and day out for a month across a country to attempt to hit the reset button in my head and find the old me again. I'll be sure and pack a dusting of the new me too though, cos it's not all bad.
Good luck with your recovery though, sounds like you're doing fine and good luck with the new hip too !

Yes, just wanted to say thanks for articulating your feelings so well! I have had very similar feelings, since my AVR.

No, I certainly do not think any of those feeling are abnormal. Everyone of course, reacts a bit differently, but I think we can all agree, we have had changes to deal with, that are not just physical.