Is this normal after an AVR?

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2011
Hamilton, ON Canada
Last week I went to my cardiologist for my 4 week post-op checkup. He gave me the impression that everything was going along pretty good (except I have partially collapsed lung and he sent me for a chest xray.) Two days after my appt. I get a call from his office telling me the doctor wants me to come in to get a Holter monitor that I'll wear for 24 hr. and also to have an echocardiogram. I was kind of surprised to get the call, when nothing was mentioned by the doc 2 days before. Anyway, my question this normal post-op stuff or what?
I'm not sure what your cardio does as a routine, but I also had a check up a few weeks post op and then an echo
was done about 3 months post op. And the 24 hr Holter has been my friend on a few occasions trying to chase
down my crazy heart rate (SVT) and pvcs and pacs.
Try not to worry, it is always better to have the tests and a cardio who is attentive.
I will be 4 weeks post op on Thursday and wont see my doc for another month. He made it sound like we wont do an echo until 6 months post op and if all looks well than "see you next year" I honestly wouldn't mind my doctor wanting me to wear a monitor, in fact I wish he would order it before I see him. Most of my rhythm issues have calm down but still just to be safe.

The question is, how do you feel? If you feel really bad than maybe there is reason they are ordering all this and also considering your lung issue. I'm not a doctor obviously but if your not feeling any symptoms they may be ordering the echo and monitor just to CYA (cover their and your behind) because of the lung issue your having. If this is the case, no worries, things will probably be fine they are just being cautious.
The echo a couple of months after surgery seems to be normal protocol. I had surgery at the end of February, then had an echo in early April. When I met with my cardio last week, he said that unless I run into problems, we won't need to do another echo until next April - a year after the post-op echo. For me, that's an improvement, as I've been on a schedule of echo's every 6 months for the last couple of years.

As for the Holter monitor, often cardio's will have you wear one for a while if there is something they see that is slightly amiss in your heart rhythm. I would think that if they saw anything serious or life-threatening, they would tell you to come in or go to the ER right away.

I know it is all hard on your nerves, but try to remember that your heart (and the rest of your body) has just been through a massive shock in surgery. It will take time (months) for all to settle down. The good thing is that for most of us (and probably you're in that "most") the big things settle down and let us get on with life while the smaller things get sorted out.

Stay with the program. Just do what they ask and see what develops - it will probably all work out smoothly.
Thanks everyone for your reassuring words. Julian, I was glad he ordered the Holter monitor. I have lots of flipflopping as my heart beats, and I realize it might take a while for my heart to settle down, but it's nice to get checked out. On another note, my INR was in range this week at 2.5. I think it's the perfect mix of veggies and a little red wine:)
Hi Bev,
I didn't see anyone else suggest this- but I would just call and ask your cardio about why your holter was ordered; that's what they are there for. It would bug me to get this call as well if nothing was mentioned during your actual appointment. Hopefully, their office will help you understand why the test was ordered and whether it is a routine part of their post-op monitoring or if it was because of something that was a result of your appointment.
Good luck with your post-op course of care. Take care of your self.
Hi Sara, I see my cardiologist again tomorrow, so I'll find out if this is routine or not. When I wore the Holter monitor last week, one of the contacts came off while I was sleeping, so maybe it never worked and they'll hook me up again tomorrow.

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