Is my mind just playing tricks ... or are my symptoms worse?

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Ok, now I'm having an angiogram on 13/12 after seeing cardio last week, I seem to be experiencing symtpoms all of a sudden. I'm really stuffed after a 10 minute walk to the milk bar, am feeling generally unwell and a little dizzy. I am also recovering from a bout of bronchitis so could be that ... and my husband and daughter have a rotten virus so could be the germs floating around our home ...
By the way, my valve area was .5 at last reading so my cardio was definitely ready for me to have angio.
Can symptoms start and get worse THAT quickly? Or is it just psychosomatic?
Things can go bad very quickly, I went from having my Ross cancelled at the door of the operating theatre literally, to two weeks later being in class IV heart failure and having to once again have my surgery delayed for a week while the heart failure was treated. In the two weeks I put on about 11KG of fluid. The surgeon later told me without intervention for the heart failure I would have died within 2 weeks.
Heart failure also is associated with a persistent cough.
Your valve area is certainly small at .5
Allison, welcome to our little community. Like "OldManEmu" I can tell you that things can change very fast, especially, if your valve area is 0.5 cm2. Last year, I spent a couple weeks in China where we walked vast distances every day. In the evening, I was very tired but things went ok. After returning in early June, I began having some noticeable problems starting with a cold I caught on the trip. By early July, I was short of breath and suffering palpitations which is when my Cardio sent me to have an echo cardiogram and stress test. The test showed that my valve area had changed from 1.25 cm2 to 0.7 cm2 between November, 2008 and July, 2009. A week after the echo cardiogram I began having chest pains for the first time ever. Thirty minutes after I reported the chest pains, my Cardio called to say he had made an appointment for me to see the best surgeon in this area. The next two weeks was the worst time as it was filled with anxiety as I was feeling more ill by the day. The meeting with the surgeon was different that I expected. I still sort of anticipated that he would say that things were really not as bad as they seemed; he did not. Instead, at that first meeting we scheduled the surgery which took place a few weeks later. So, in answer to your question, yes, things can change very fast and, when they do change very fast, it is an indication that the problem needs to be addressed at once.

I think many of us have wondered if this was just our anxieties speaking. You may be psychosomatic about some things, Allison, but If your valve area is 0.5 cm2 you are not psychosomatic about your heart. The good news is that it can be fixed. This experience does change how you think about your body and your life but not all change is bad. This is not a time for procrastinating, when do you meet your surgeon?

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Sounds like you should start getting mentally prepared for surgery.It is alot to get your "head around" but, that being said it is very doable which many members here can atest to.Wish you the best and keep us updated.