Is it ok to play softball?

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Jeff recently joined the softball team at our church and I can't help but be a little nervous. This is the most strenuous exercise he has had since his valve replacement in October of 2004. Is it ok to play softball or should he get his cardio's permission first? I tend to be a worrier so I hope I am just being overly paranoid. He feels fine while playing and says he has so much energy. It sounds good but I just want to make sure that he isn't going to do too much and cause something to happpen. Sorry, but Mother Hen is just doing her thing and worrying:eek: .

I wouldn't hesitate to play softball, but then my recovery has been rather smooth. I can't remember if I have played softball since surgery, but then there are a lot of things I don't remember.
I did play tennis with my daughter Sunday afternoon, no problems at all.
October of '04?

Unless he has other heart problems you're aware of remaining to consider, he's as fixed as he's gonna get.

Without other known cardiac issues, he's just risking leg aches, backaches, wrenched joints and all of the other things that atheletically unprepared adults risk when they decide to join a sport.

Of course, if he doesn't participate in physical activities, you'll eventually have to start worrying about heart attacks anyway.

Try to get him to do some training to warm up to his new pastime, to help avoid some of the unnecessary sprains and aches.

Best wishes,
Thanks for the replies. I am glad to hear that everything should be ok. I just worry alot!:rolleyes: I would be lost of something happened to Jeff. I am glad that he is getting to play softball. He has wanted to join a team for years but couldn't find one to join. Hopefully, they do well when they start playing other teams.
I play regularly 1-2 times a week and had my surgery Nov. 2005. He should be fine if everything went well and there are no other health issues.