Is it normal for my sternum to heal like this?

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Hi, this is my first post as I've just really discovered this forum. I think I had read through the threads before my surgery, but I'm getting way more out of them post-surgery. I had AVR on June 3rd but the last couple of weeks I've noticed that my sternum suddenly has these somewhat pronounced horizontal ridges. It always had that typical raised bump at the top and a bit of one at the bottom, but these are new. There is a definite 'divet' of sorts that I didn't notice before and there was no real swelling before that would have hid anything. Could this be the stitches moving or adjusting? Or is it possible that it's the wires? If so, why didn't they stick out before? Or is it something more serious. Any advice you guys may have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Did you recently lose weight? Or were you on diuretics to get rid of some fluid? Do the ridges hurt? Do they look red?
No, they don't hurt and they're not red. I WISH I had lost weight! Unlike everyone else it seems, I've gained probably at least 10 lbs since the surgery over my weight pre-op, but I know that's due in large part to what I ate for a good month. Still, I've never gained weight like that in my life.

I'm mostly afraid that I've whacked something out of place or that something isn't where it's supposed to be. I have an echo coming up in the next few weeks so I figured I'd ask my cardiologist then, but I'm thinking I might just go see my pcp before that. Otherwise, I feel pretty good, no real post-op issues.
Sounds like you've got a good plan, I would talk with my PCP as soon as I could. Have you done anything recently that could possibly have moved things around, like cutting the grass, laundry or . . . oh, anything like that, even a good big sneeze . . although at over 3 months out, I don't think a sneeze would do it, but anything like that???
Why worry yourself for weeks waiting for your echo and cardio appointment...... I'd think about seeing PCP. Why worry for weeks if you can get answers sooner. Best wishes. Please let us know how you're doing.
Sneezing was the worst! It only took one sneeze and then I managed to fight off every other sneeze for a good two months. That must be a record. Even now, I can still feel a tiny bit of soreness when I sneeze, but that's not the culprit. I have to see when my echo is and if it's too far away, I will just see my pcp.

For the record, I never had any chest pain or pain associated with my chest incision post-op and still don't. I did have horrible back pain and I've never had that in my life. Thankfully it's 99% better now.

Thanks for the info guys. Please keep it coming if you have anything to add.
I can't quite picture what you are describing, Are they like pimple bumps, or more long and narrow,
As for the 10 pounds was that a gradual weight gain or in a couple days?

Oh Welcome, I'm glad to hear everything went so well and you didn't have much pain, yes the back pain is pretty common, its from the way they have you positioned while they are operating
They're horizontal, kinda like speedbumps going down my chest. The bottom two are the most easily felt but today I noticed that I can feel a bit of them above. None are visible, you have to feel them but they're definitely there. I'm thinking it may be the wires used to hold my sternum together? But no one ever mentioned that.

As for the weight, it was much faster than ever before in my life, but it's not CHF (I know what that is now!). I could blame it on a now changed metabolism, but I think it was just being stuck at home and stressed. lol

My number one issue with surgery was the back pain. NOBODY told me about it before hand and it was awful. My chest never hurt at all or at least not that I noticed. But the back? Bad. The CICU nurse told me it was probably the end of the chest tube poking me in that area along with surgery and the chest spread. Sure enough, taking out the chest tube gave me a lot of relief. Not total relief in my back, but a ton of it.
They're horizontal, kinda like speedbumps going down my chest. The bottom two are the most easily felt but today I noticed that I can feel a bit of them above. None are visible, you have to feel them but they're definitely there. I'm thinking it may be the wires used to hold my sternum together? But no one ever mentioned that.

As for the weight, it was much faster than ever before in my life, but it's not CHF (I know what that is now!). I could blame it on a now changed metabolism, but I think it was just being stuck at home and stressed. lol

My number one issue with surgery was the back pain. NOBODY told me about it before hand and it was awful. My chest never hurt at all or at least not that I noticed. But the back? Bad. The CICU nurse told me it was probably the end of the chest tube poking me in that area along with surgery and the chest spread. Sure enough, taking out the chest tube gave me a lot of relief. Not total relief in my back, but a ton of it.

OH ok, that's better I was thinking they were sticking out enough you could see them. My guess would be the wires, You probably can feel the little twist knot (like a bread bag)
Did they have you weigh yourself every day? That's a good way to tell if it is water weight and not just enjoying food.
My number one issue with surgery was the back pain. NOBODY told me about it before hand and it was awful. My chest never hurt at all or at least not that I noticed. But the back? Bad. The CICU nurse told me it was probably the end of the chest tube poking me in that area along with surgery and the chest spread. Sure enough, taking out the chest tube gave me a lot of relief. Not total relief in my back, but a ton of it.

The pain is from the position they put you in for your surgery. I've jokingly described it for close friends as being like a "flailed chicken." :rolleyes:

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