It definitely is.
When I was taking some Epidemiology courses, they discussed the methane emissions from garbage and rotting foods.
Garbage trucks take tons of the stuff, and dump it into landfills, creating huge mountains of garbage. The stuff is so dangerous that they sink pipes into the mountains to drain some of the methane. They don't seem to be clever enough to harness the heat of burning the stuff into electricity generation.
There's a former mountain near me - some used to call it Mount Garbage - that they put lots of soil over, planted native plants, laid down sod (and apparently figured out a way to reroute the methane) and now it's a very high priced property development.
Most landfills are put in very remote areas - and they're pretty valueless. Put them into an area where populations grow, and surrounding areas are worth a lot of money, and they become expensive new real estate.
I wonder how many of these big spenders actually realize that they live on what used to be a landfill.