Is a happy heart bad for your health??

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OK - this is a little theory of mine, which is pretty out there, but after a run-in with the licensing department on Tuesday morning I'm convinced I need an attitude adjustment - for the worse!

I won't bore you with the details, but after dealing with several completely incompetent people (..including a call the the bank to verify my current address..) I got SOOOOOOOO angry I actually started abusing people and left in a fit of rage. Something I haven't done in YEARS since I was a very angry young girl (..I've come a looooooong way since then!..).

Anyway, I couldn't believe how ENERGISED I felt!!!! Seriously - it was amazing! I haven't felt that great since before I started getting these weird symptoms. I was power-walking down the road, leaping over buildings, and apart from some homicidal thoughts about the nitwits I had been dealing with, I truly felt fantastic.

I came to the conclusion that I'm far too content and happy in life ( general (health and doctors excluded)..) and I need to get some fire and anger back in my system - for my own health!

.....or maybe not..! But gee, I really wish I could feel that good all the time..... only without the homicidle tendencies :D :D

A : )


like you got your b/p up lol..blood was afire.... be careful.. love me
dont think so....well?

dont think so....well?

I have observed that really mean people seem to live forever, but maybe it just feels that way. However, their miserable disposition give them no joy. THey serve a "life sentence," as do all those around them.

My advice - be a sweetie pie & feel tired at the end of the day - and enjoy the good night's sleep that follows.
A funny story (now) - when my Mom was dying of breast cancer three years ago, her mother was still alive and very "healthy" at 95 years of age. Grandma soon after died of a "broken heart" after seeing her first-borne daughter die and her son was then diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Anyway - I was sitting there talking with Grandma and ranting and raving (I was very angry at the time - Mom was dying and I was so angry). I said, "Grandma, all the good ones die young and the mean ones live forever."

Then I realized what I had said - and immediately was apologizing all over myself to Grandma saying, "Oh, I didn't mean YOU, Grandma!" :eek:

By the way, Grandma was not a mean person. Strong-willed and fiesty, but not mean.

So, go ahead and be spirited!! It does your heart good!

Christina L.
Oh Christina, you're story did give me quite the chuckle! The amount of times I've managed not only to put my foot in my mouth, but swallow half my leg with it....!! I guess at least the "good" who go young have had a richer, happier life, so that has to account for something.

Bill -
Still chasing that elusive good night's sleep..... I figure I must have been a real hellion in a former life since I've never slept well in this one. But you're right, there's no joy in being miserable and you have to enjoy each day for what it has to offer.

Yaps -
I'll be really interested to see how my BP went because it was back to 95/60 about 2 hours later when I went in for my stress test (..gee, they really should have arranged that at the licensing dpt!! :D ..).

Gemma -
Funny you should mention a punching bag, this has actually been on my Christmas wish-list for many years, but my nomadic lifestyle has made it a bit impractical (..and these days I just don't seem to have the same need for one anymore..). As far as the model......well......I'm not sure the other half would be too impressed - but.....!! :D

A : )
Hi Anna,
I guess I have been guilty of the same kind of thing.
It sure can get frustrating dealing with some of the people out there.
But just remember the quote hanging on our fridge.
'the more you complain the longer God lets you live'. :D
Endorphine/adrenaline rush...

You spout off on someone, get verbally "abusive" or even "violent" in the things you say because you're steaming mad and need to make sure EVERYONE knows it.

Your body starts pumping in the "fight or flight" drugs, designed to energize your body and prepare it to defend itself during moments of attack or aggression and it takes a while for that to wear off...

There are a few martial arts movements (including "peaceful" stuff like yoga, tai-chi, and qi-gong) which evoke the same kind of responses even if you're not outwardly yelling at someone or gearing up for some kind of fight.

I was up WWWWWAAAAAAAAYYY past my bedtime last night doing math homwork. I finally gave up on it around 4am and tried going to bed but had a coughing fit come up AND triggered one in my wife as well (she's fighting a similar cold to the one I have) and we were both awake past 5am. I finally got to sleep after setting my alarm for 8am because I had classes to get to.

First thing I did when the alarm went off really shouldn't be repeated in here...

Well, ok, I swore a lot.

Then into the bathroom and then into the kitchen to take my meds and then into the living room where I spent 20 minutes doing my qi-gong. I hardly ever do this but I knew today was a day I'd need EVERY help I could get to stay awake.

I'm still a little "skeptical" about such things actually, but there are a few times when doing the qi-gong or going to my kung-fu class really does leave me with this great feeling of invigoration...

Ripping someone's head off at the customer service desk (or whatever) has the same effect, as bad as it may be at times, it DOES feel good to lay into someone for being an idiot once in a while....
Harpoon said:
Endorphine/adrenaline rush.......Your body starts pumping in the "fight or flight" drugs, designed to energize your body and prepare it to defend itself during moments of attack or aggression and it takes a while for that to wear off...
It's funny, my (now estranged) mother and I used to have major screaming fits at each other when I was in my early teens and when I left home to live with an aunt I was getting serious withdrawl symptoms from the lack of adrenaline in my system (..I was getting a good "fix" (or 3) every day!..). It took me a while to work out what was going on.

Anyhoo, I've spent many years learning to be at peace with the world and myself and it's been a looooooong time since I've lost my temper like that. I tend to live by the adage " catch more flies with honey than vinegar..". Usually works well, but sometimes....... some people just need to be TOLD!

Meanwhile...I'm fighting a very nasty head cold at the moment and spent all night "blowing my brains out".... or at least that's what if felt like, so when the other half's alarm went of at 6am I'm pretty sure I can appreciate what you were feeling :rolleyes:

A : )

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