OK - this is a little theory of mine, which is pretty out there, but after a run-in with the licensing department on Tuesday morning I'm convinced I need an attitude adjustment - for the worse!
I won't bore you with the details, but after dealing with several completely incompetent people (..including a call the the bank to verify my current address..) I got SOOOOOOOO angry I actually started abusing people and left in a fit of rage. Something I haven't done in YEARS since I was a very angry young girl (..I've come a looooooong way since then!..).
Anyway, I couldn't believe how ENERGISED I felt!!!! Seriously - it was amazing! I haven't felt that great since before I started getting these weird symptoms. I was power-walking down the road, leaping over buildings, and apart from some homicidal thoughts about the nitwits I had been dealing with, I truly felt fantastic.
I came to the conclusion that I'm far too content and happy in life (..in general (health and doctors excluded)..) and I need to get some fire and anger back in my system - for my own health!
.....or maybe not..! But gee, I really wish I could feel that good all the time..... only without the homicidle tendencies
A : )
I won't bore you with the details, but after dealing with several completely incompetent people (..including a call the the bank to verify my current address..) I got SOOOOOOOO angry I actually started abusing people and left in a fit of rage. Something I haven't done in YEARS since I was a very angry young girl (..I've come a looooooong way since then!..).
Anyway, I couldn't believe how ENERGISED I felt!!!! Seriously - it was amazing! I haven't felt that great since before I started getting these weird symptoms. I was power-walking down the road, leaping over buildings, and apart from some homicidal thoughts about the nitwits I had been dealing with, I truly felt fantastic.
I came to the conclusion that I'm far too content and happy in life (..in general (health and doctors excluded)..) and I need to get some fire and anger back in my system - for my own health!
.....or maybe not..! But gee, I really wish I could feel that good all the time..... only without the homicidle tendencies
A : )