Irregular Heartbeat

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
Cullman, Alabama

I am about to celebrate my 7 year anniversary of a double valve replacement , mitral and aortic, and lately have begun to have an erratic heart beat. I am not feeling any adverse symtoms from this and it was actually detected first by my NP on a visit to my primary doctors office. I feel I should call my cardiologist but wondered if anyone else has had a problem with this? I have been having regular checkups and good reports....
I have had short periods of irregular heart beats over the years and have been told they are normal, with or without valve replacement, and not to be concerned. A few months ago, I had my first case (as far as I know) of A-fib. The irregular heat beats lasted for several hours, not several seconds, and I saw my doctor who confirmed the A-fib episode. The episode was brought on by a stressful situation....I was battling with my cable/phone/internet provider(LOL). My cardio was not overly concerned since I was already on warfarin. However, he put me on a 24 hour holter EKG to be sure it was transient......which it was. Never hurts to have it checked out if the irregularities concern you.
i have had ireg heatbeats on and off the last few years, my cardio keeps an eye on them but says there harmless, just a pain in the butt, to be sure i would have a check over by your cardio just for peace of mind,
I have experienced irregular heart beats over the years. It concerns me at the time and when I talk to my cardiologist they tell me not to worry. It's common regardless if you have had a valve replacement or not. Every time I ask they tell me the same thing but I ask about it every time I see my doctor. That has been my experience with irregular heart beats.
I'm over 2 years out of AVR with pacer implant and notice intermittent irregular heart rhythms. The occurrences are few and far between at time leaving me feeling a little odd. My pacer is interrogated regularly and has not shown anything dangerous. Good idea to see the cardio to be certain these irregularities you're experiencing are just annoyances.
Any time you cut the heart open the risk of afib or some kind of irregular rhythm is a possibility. The more you cut it open the higher this risk goes. This is why some people who go tissue valve replacement still end up on Coumadin.

I had a bad afib issue for about four months, but got it sorted out and have been fine for three years. I still get a fair amount of PVCs, mostly at night or on days when I exercise a lot.
Some irregular heartbeats are benign. For me taking some magnesium helps make the beats more regular.