Iragsac Post Surgery

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lragsac Supporter
Supporting Member
May 15, 2010
salem, or
Hello every one, I am finally on the other side of the mountain. My surgery was on June 17th I just got home today. I was in the hospital for nine long days.I really can't remember much of the first three days,to many pain pills. The hardest part is trying to sleep or eat. The other bad part is ...daytime TV, what a bunch of junk!! The cardiac staff at Salem Hospital,Or were Great and took the time to explain everything to me. Thay also took care of wife and son all the time they were with me! They are a very caring group of people. Now that I am home I am as weak as a kitten, so I have to pace myself so I can heal. Thank you all for your support and I will keep you all updated as I start the healing proccess.
Your experience is pretty much how I felt in the hospital and post-op for a while. I also had something like thrush while in the hospital (tongue was coated, all white) and couldn't taste anything for awhile (lost 24 pounds in about 4 weeks). I was pretty weak -- felt fragile.
What tasted best was fruit -- fresh pineapple (forget canned stuff), cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries. Also drank lots of iced tea laced heavily with lemon, lime and orange slices.
I stayed with my parents for the first 2 weeks after being discharged. My mom took me to get my hair washed the day after getting out of the hospital -- I didn't have enough strength to hold my arms up to wash my hair, which was almost shoulder length. I found that I couldn't hold a glass of iced tea unless it was in a foam cup -- a filled breakable glass was just too heavy.
As far as sleep -- I probably slept too much during the day because I had trouble sleeping at night. My sleeping schedule was all off. I do like to nap, but napping too often wreaked havoc on my nighttime sleep. It helped to take some Extra Strength Tylenol PM (1/2 to 1 tablet) about 1 hour before I wanted to be asleep. I was more comfortable, and sleep was more conducive.

You'll discover what works for you. Everyone's different in some ways, yet similar in other ways.

P.S. Did you happen to get the license number on that Mack Truck that hit you? No one else has............ We need to put that dude in jail!!!!!!!!!!
Glad you made it home... the strength will return. Just take it one day at a time. Oh, yeah, daytime tv is something else, isn't? I got hooked on Maury Povich, "You Are the Father". Jeesh.

Good for you on, as nine days at hospital is a stretch and you must be happy to be in your surroundings.

Leo, try to stay up daytime and move around as much as you can, if sitting, no more than an hour at a time, then move around some more.

Seem the more we do of spyo, walking and moving around, the sooner all comes back to normal.

Sleeping was tough for me for as well for 1st 2 weeks and i needed sleeping pills, for several nights, but it gradually increased to normal and sleeping pills no longer required. Daytime naps I quickly found were a bad thing for me and TV provided less value than walking around.

Keep the mindset of where you want to be tomorrow, next week, set yourself some objectives. As an example on my 16th day post op, at my request, my care person drove us 1.5 hours to an aviation museum and I walked around 5 hours gawking at planes and stuff, sitting when needed, so distractions, interests and easy activities can help and keep you up and moving.

Have a safe and speedy recovery

Welcome home!
It feels a little like getting out of jail must feel.
Make haste slowly.
Breath, eat, sleep, walk.