International reunion?

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Where are the reunion pictures Billy? Jan said you were in charge of getting them posted. It was a big topic of conversation on CHAT yesterday! We're anxiously awaiting them.
By the way, the group decided the next reunion should be held onboard a cruise ship (destination Brazil via New York, Miami, Tobago) so we don't have to worry about a designated driver at any time. What do you think?
I'd like to see the photos too

I'd like to see the photos too

and as for the cruise ...I'm all for it ..although I'd have to win the lottery first ........
Just home again....

Just home again....

...from the first International reunion in the famous Beatletown of Liverpool, England. Planes were delayed so no pix till tomorrow...just need a few hours sleep in the meantime.

Met with Jan and Bill and had a wonderful 'visit' on Saturday night and Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry both showed up for the concert on Sunday night so I'm off to bed with the music still ringing in my ears......It's been a hard day's this space Lo-rain, might even have a pic of the Cavern Club for you......

Hey Billy,
Sorry Jim and I couldn't make it to the reunion on Saturday - I had really hoped he'd want to come but he's got to that phase I think most people reach where he doesn't want to think about his heart condition or the fact he's had OHS unless absolutely essential. Fair enough I suppose. And there are a fair few dodgy types on the Chester-Liverpool train of a Saturday evening so I didn't fancy coming alone :eek: . Looking forward to seeing the pics though.
And Mary, I love the sound of a cruise, although I recently developed some weird seasickness-whilst-on-dry-land type of condition (look it up - it's called Mal de Debarquement or MDD, some type of vertigo :eek: ) after 4 days on a houseboat and it's only just subsiding after 2 1/2 weeks off the boat!!! Which is lucky really, as it has been documented to take YEARS to recover :eek: . Weird, never happened to me before! Think it was just from spending too many hours a day on the water, maybe if it was a cruise with plenty of on-land time I could cope!!!
First picture of Liverpool...........

First picture of Liverpool...........

I've had big problems getting in to VR today so here's the first picture of my meeting with Jan and Bill last Saturday night in Liverpool. I'm off travelling over the weekend so hopefully next week I can post a few more pictures for the Beatle fans in our midst.......

In the meantime here's Bill, Jan and Billy drinking a toast to Hank, Ross and all the members of last Saturday.....
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Great picture, Billy!

Great picture, Billy!

Lovely picture Billy! Of course you had gorgeous Jan to add sex appeal to the group!
How nice to raise a toast to Hank and the gang. Here's hoping this was the first of many, many more happy reunions.
A great picture, Billy - looks like y'all had an enjoyable time. Tks for sharing with us.

Jan, lovely to see you and your hubby. Nice that we are getting together round the globe.

Keep listenin, folks - Bonnie and I are comin later. I am not back home yet, either but will get on it when I get there.


I love having fun and good laughs too, but unfortunately I can't laugh all the way to the bank though. The photo was a nice one and seems to have registered a very happy moment. By the way, how serious is this thing about coming to Brazil? I would love to join you if it ever happens for I doubt I'll ever be able to afford to travel anywhere to meet you.

I turn 40 in 2006 and we are 'celebrating' (read comiserating/forgetting/getting as far away as possible). As we get closer and make bookings I will have to check with you guys for the best place to stay, play, eat and spend at!!! So far we figure May is probably the best time, ie., weather ok and not your school holidays! If there is a renunion in the general vicinity at the right time and place we'll be there.
Sorry that didn't make sense.....I type slower than I think and talk.......(don't anyone think or say typical female!) I'll try again. We are coming to America for a holiday, and will be after ideas as it gets closer. That sounds better. I do need a holiday! :cool:
Keep reminding everyone that you're going to visit as the time gets closer. It might be that a mini-reunion could be held if your visit can't be fitted in during the reunion period that Hank arranges.

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