Insurance Help for AVR on 11/13 in TN

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2009
Knoxville, Tennessee
This probally leans towards the veterans on this site. Do you know of anywhere I can find help for medical expenses not included in what my support pays for?

Many of you may remember me talking about I am having the Ross done on Nov.13. I do not have insurance. I have what we call here Knoxville Area Project Access. Here is the link


They are going to be covering the surgery, hospital stay, surgeon, etc. But I am going to be stuck with my labs, biopsy bills. I have applied for Financial assistance through the hospital but havent heard anything yet.

I live in Knoxville, Tennessee. I am unable to get on TN Care, which I appealed 4 times. They said I should have went ahead and got the valve done while I had insurance. Not understanding that my doctor just did a C-Section and tubal litigation when I had my daughter. Also my pregnancy (which no doctor ever told me not to) made my problem worse.

So unless I go to work I am unable to get insurance but I do get coverage through that plan I talked of earlier. My daughter is also mentally delayed. So I take care of her and meet at our home for her therapy appointments.

So does anyone know of any type of help? I thought of trying to get on disablitly just to get the insurance due to my severe depression that I have suffered from over 10 years due to loss of a child, husband, father, grandmother...and the list could go on. Does anyone know about this either?

Thanks so much! :confused:
I don't know of any groups that will help, BUt IF you are asking about Applying for SS disability, I just want to warn you chances are it COULD take YEARS.
My other thought is have to checked any of the other local hospitals? I BELIEVE Vandy will take care of any child wether they have insurance or not, so they might offer something for adults.
My last thought is, does your fiancee have insurance?

I can't help with your insurance issues.

That said, I notice that the Page Width of your posts exceeds what I can view on my screen without having to move my cursor from left to right. This is most likely caused by the Long Location Line in your header. If you shorten that line, then your posts will appear in 'normal width'.

'AL C'
I don't know of any groups that will help, BUt IF you are asking about Applying for SS disability, I just want to warn you chances are it COULD take YEARS.
My other thought is have to checked any of the other local hospitals? I BELIEVE Vandy will take care of any child wether they have insurance or not, so they might offer something for adults.
My last thought is, does your fiancee have insurance?

My fiancee' doesnt have insurance either, but they take his income for my Kapa stuff. My children are on state insurance in which TN has a Cover Kids program so they are covered.

I know that disablity takes years as it did with my late husband and he had over two medical boxes full while awaiting a heart transplant. I am not concerned about the money from SS but the insurance. I think you may get insurance right away until they decide but am not sure.

Also I corrected the width problem with my page.

Thank you everyone.
Unless things changes or tenn is different than NJ, it took over 3 years to get my SS (the one you work for alot of years) and during that time I was not offered insurance, I got a card shortly after my dis was approved (and quickly stopped it since I have insurance)
BT question was about Vandy is they have a goo d CHD program and will take any child with or with out insurnace, so I thought they might have a better program for adults than the hospital you are going to
I found out today which was truly a prayer answered that the following will be covered and paid for

Anetshia (sp?)
Hospital Stay
ICU stay
Meds in Hospital
And all in Labs (the one I was flipping over)