Lettitia, I read at bedtime and soon the book falls down. If it wakes me up, I say my nightly prayers again and that usually does it.
I used to have a little trick thingy. I assisgned one thing beginning with each letter of the alphabet - i.e. a for appble, b for banana, c for candle, d for dog, e for egg, etc. Then I would go through this memorized list and give each letter something I needed to remember. Like I need dog food at the store. For a, I would make the dog food look like it's in a red apple shaped can, and so on through the alphabet. Then go back and try to remember what each letter stood for in your list. If you can get through this, you'll maybe settle your brain enough to sleep. Worked, still does in emergency, for me.
other than that, I can only suggest meds if you have to use them. As a last resort.
hope you can get it worked out. Let us know what you do so we can pass it on if somebody else has the same thing bothering them.