Inr results

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CA Pigg

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Well I tested 2.9 today. I really dropped from last Monday being 5.9. I sure hope next Monday I am at 3.5. I'd really like to stay on the high level. I know she will not even consider me home testing until I'm regulated so I'm praying that happens soon. I've decided to feel her out next week and if she seems like she is never going to agree to it I will see about transferring to the military doctors and I know they will let me.... I hope everyone has a Good Week!!
Darn you woman, post what your taking and what they told you to do. I always gots to pick your brains for this info.

I'd be happy right where you are. Little higher wouldn't be bad, but 2.9 ain't nothin to laugh at either.

2.9 is fine. You're only 6 weeks post-op. It may be a while before you are consistently stable with your INRs. Note the consistently.
An acquaintance's mom had 2 MVRs, the 2nd one with a mechanical, so she was familiar with warfarin and INR testing. She saw me about 2 months post-op and asked how my INR testing was going. I said ecstatically that my last test was in range. Well, it wasn't on the following test and I was extremely disappointed and felt like, "Well, what happened????????"
It was nearly 5-6 months before I could chart a path of fairly consistent in-range INRs, rather than something that looked like the stock market for the last year. ;)
My doctor agreed to filling out paperwork for my INR tester at 5 months post-op.
Like Marsha, it also took months for me to get into a fairly consistent of in-range INRs.

I'd be doing the Happy Dance at 2.9 - you should too!
You are doing good. This is not a problem to worry about. Like others have said 2.9 is very good. Also, I am glad to hear you are doing good. Keep up the good work. :D
Darn you woman, post what your taking and what they told you to do. I always gots to pick your brains for this info.

I'd be happy right where you are. Little higher wouldn't be bad, but 2.9 ain't nothin to laugh at either.

I'm sorry!! She kept me at the same, except last week she had skip Monday because it was high. So 2mg everyday except mon, wed and fri I take 4 mg and then retest Monday. That is 20 mg a week. I want to be around the 3.5, I think the 2.9 is too low. With her having me skip last Monday that was me at only 16 mg so hopefully 20mg will be the magic number? I guess we shall see Monday!
I will not complain about the 2.9!! I am happy with it just want to be a little higher! I know I am so hard to please, LOL!!!
She could always be like me and turn into an oinker and go root out the neighbors brussels sprouts, asparagus, spinich and other yummy greens. :D
Yummy Greens?

I think about telling people that whatever I don't like will change my INR. It sometimes gets me off the hook so I don't have to eat rabbit food.

If you don't like them, tell the person so, but don't lie to them. It may hurt their feelings even worse by lying about it.
Yep, I love my greens and have been eating them. Salad with spinach and brussel sprouts and everything else green. I love it all and I am a PIGG, LOL!!!
I like my greens, too! I had veggies for lunch -- black-eyed peas, boiled cabbage and broccoli salad. A building in downtown Fort Worth has a little cafeteria tucked away, and they have absolutely wonderful broccoli salad there. I discovered the salad in the last year -- has red onion, shredded cheese, bacon, tasty dressing on it.
Went to the grocery store tonight and bought some frozen baby brussel sprouts. Will have those with salmon tomorrow night.