INR of 5.3

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
I was sick Sat. and threw up orange/red vomit.(Sorry to be gross but it looked like tomato soup). The night before I had salmon and a lovely spinach salad. After getting sick I was weak and had body ache and chills. No fever. Nausea and belly ache too. Sunday I was just weak and was nauseated to no end. Still not much appetite. Checked INR's and it was 5.3. Today I still have nausea and the belly is still not a happy camper. INR today is 4.8 (I ate a can of spinach last night to try to lower INR's ) I was able to eat a little food each day and keep it down. I also had a flu shot over a month ago. Called the coumadin clinic to report my INR's. Nurse suspects bleeding in belly. Could that red/oranage vomit simply be from the fish...meaning color wise. I dont know what to think or do. BEFORE I GO RUSHING TO THE HOSPITAL does anyone have any advice they would be willing to give. Thank in advance once again. Sorry to be such a pain in the neck!:mad:
Sounds like you got a case a food poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised if it wrecked havoc on your stomach enough to cause some bleeding. Vomiting usually causes the INR to lower, if you vomit within a few hours after taking your dose. I don't know how to explain the high INR. I don't know if it's possible for a bacteria to cause the INR to raise???

So you threw up the red/orange on Saturday? Have you thrown up any since then. Another delicate question - what do your stools look like?

That's all the questions I have. Hopefully those that know more than me will be along shortly.
Redish orange sounds more like stomach acid to me. Pretty typical with vomitting. Now if it were like coffee grounds or something similiar, that is a major bleed and you need to go to the ER.

Your leaving out too many details. What was your dose for the week? Has that dose been keeping you in range in the past? How often are you testing now? Give us the low down if you can.
My INR on my inratio at 6am this morning read 4.8. I test twice a month usually. I tested again and got a 4.7. The INR from the hospital was 3.2. HOW CAN THAT BE? THE MINUTE I get home I test again to see and its 2.7. I havn't changed my dose for over 2 months now (sun,wed,Fri 2.5 & 5. the rest the week) and have made no changes in diet excersise complaining or otherwise! They took my blood at 3pm yet at 6pm the Doc said they still havn't started on my blood work as it just got bumped for some reason they said???? WHAT WHAT??

Trip to the E.R.=$2,800
Having lab work done=$300
Having the Triage Nurse tell me that my PCP could have helped me but is too lazy.......PRICELESS!!!!
The Doc said basically what Karlynn thinks and that is food poisoning and throwing up broke blood vessles thus the blood in the throw up. Thank you for helping and listening. I'm now going to run myself into the wall. Good night!

I am sorry you are having such problems. I know things will get better again and the sun will come back out.

Stomach upsets that bad can wreak havoc with your INR. If you have not eaten or throw everything up and then take your coumadin, your INR could rise because there is no food to affect it (at least that has been my experience). Then, when you start eating again, it wll come back down. If you have been eating to bring it down, it will drop faster.

I do not trust labs anymore as the blood just sits around.

I hope you feel better real soon so you can pig out on turkey day.
No, it's not for wimps. Sounds like you might have had a little bleeding maybe, but don't get too upset about it until the doctors have it checked out. if you have no blood in your stool, that's good.

keep your chin up and i'll send some vibes -- here they come -- really positive ones -- your way.
imhayley said:
My INR on my inratio at 6am this morning read 4.8. I test twice a month usually. I tested again and got a 4.7. The INR from the hospital was 3.2. HOW CAN THAT BE? THE MINUTE I get home I test again to see and its 2.7. I haven't changed my dose for over 2 months now (sun,wed,Fri 2.5 & 5. the rest the week) and have made no changes in diet exercise complaining or otherwise! They took my blood at 3pm yet at 6pm the Doc said they still haven't started on my blood work as it just got bumped for some reason they said???? WHAT WHAT??

Trip to the E.R.=$2,800
Having lab work done=$300
Having the Triage Nurse tell me that my PCP could have helped me but is too lazy.......PRICELESS!!!!
The Doc said basically what Karlynn thinks and that is food poisoning and throwing up broke blood vessels thus the blood in the throw up. Thank you for helping and listening. I'm now going to run myself into the wall. Good night!

I don't know about the 4.8 and 4.7, but if the hospital got 3.2 and your latest try was 2.7, I'd say those two are the valid tests, not the 4.7 and 4.8. Anomalies happen from time to time. I don't have an explanation.
Feeling better

Feeling better

I'm definately putting in my Christmas request to santa....Dear Santa, all I want for x-mas is a CAT scan machine. :D Do it ALL at home!!! Just think....hopefuly sooner than later I will have this figured out (my lil bleeding scares) and I can stop feeling so stressed. SOrry Im such a pain in the Bum.:mad: Happy Thanks Giving to all!