I was sick Sat. and threw up orange/red vomit.(Sorry to be gross but it looked like tomato soup). The night before I had salmon and a lovely spinach salad. After getting sick I was weak and had body ache and chills. No fever. Nausea and belly ache too. Sunday I was just weak and was nauseated to no end. Still not much appetite. Checked INR's and it was 5.3. Today I still have nausea and the belly is still not a happy camper. INR today is 4.8 (I ate a can of spinach last night to try to lower INR's ) I was able to eat a little food each day and keep it down. I also had a flu shot over a month ago. Called the coumadin clinic to report my INR's. Nurse suspects bleeding in belly. Could that red/oranage vomit simply be from the fish...meaning color wise. I dont know what to think or do. BEFORE I GO RUSHING TO THE HOSPITAL does anyone have any advice they would be willing to give. Thank in advance once again. Sorry to be such a pain in the neck!