I am in tears. My INR is at 6.0
I have no idea what is going on!! Nothing has changed in my eating, medications. They only thing that is going on is Justin has been ill, and we had a death in the family.
I am exhausted. Have a dr. appointment on tues (2/14). I haven't felt good for about 3 weeks. My arms and legs are so weak and I am very tired. I take Lipitor (have been for months), that is one of the side effects. The Dr. syas we will get it under control. I don't really know.
I am so tired of being poked at, today it took 3 tries to get blood out. My poor veins are absolutely worn out.
My dosage is 6mg so I have to hold it for 2 days then recheck on Fri.
I am just about to give it all up, but I know I have to take coumadin because of the mechanical valve. But when will I get in range?? I know there are others here that are having the same problem.
Thanks for letting me vent!!!
I am exhausted. Have a dr. appointment on tues (2/14). I haven't felt good for about 3 weeks. My arms and legs are so weak and I am very tired. I take Lipitor (have been for months), that is one of the side effects. The Dr. syas we will get it under control. I don't really know.
I am so tired of being poked at, today it took 3 tries to get blood out. My poor veins are absolutely worn out.
I am just about to give it all up, but I know I have to take coumadin because of the mechanical valve. But when will I get in range?? I know there are others here that are having the same problem.
Thanks for letting me vent!!!